Climate Policy in the Coming Phases of the Kyoto Process:Targets,
Instruments, and the Role of Cap and Trade Schemes - Proceedings of the
International Symposium, February 20-21, 2006, Brussels
M. Welp, L. Wicke, C. C. Jaeger (eds.) (Juli 2007)
the past months and years, international climate policy has made
significant progress despite huge resistances. But we are still far
away from the turnaround in global greenhouse gas emissions that will
be necessary to avoid dangerous climate change. There is broad
agreement among climate scientists that the first Kyoto period cannot
lead to major
reductions of global emissions. The second commitment
period may bring about improvements in this respect, depending on how
serious nations are about climate protection. This raises the question
of how to link whatever steps will be possible in the coming years to
the prospect of a real turnaround in global emissions in the coming
The Symposium, “Climate Policy in the Coming Phases of the
Kyoto Process”, that took place on February 20-21, 2006 in Brussels
brought together stakeholders from a broad range of institutions
including research institutes, major energy providers, policy-makers on
national and the EU level, including developing countries as well as
representatives of NGOs (the full list of stakeholders can be found in
Annex 2). The aim of the symposium was to identify options open to the
international community to avoid dangerous climate change, as the
legally binding goal of the UNFCCC is defined. These options ranged
from incremental improvements of the commitment undertaken with the
Kyoto protocol to a structural evolution of the current climate policy
regime. At COP11 in Montreal parties agreed on a second commitment
period. In Nairobi at COP12 some progress was made but how the
mechanisms in the second commitment period will look like lies at the
core of current
international climate negotiations. In parallel many
other activities, including, different variants of global cap and trade
systems have been proposed, such as the Statement of the G8 Climate
Change Roundtable convened by the World Economic Forum in collaboration
with the UK government.
On the basis of multiple criteria developed
in the scientific literature, the participants of the symposium
discussed pros and cons of key options. These were looked at them from
the point of view of climate protection potential, economic
feasibility, and legal-administrative feasibility. Furthermore,
stakeholder perspectives and different interests were identified –
including those of nations, supranational institutions, business
sectors, NGOs, and other constituencies. This exercise provided
insights of the extent to which different strategies can be expected to
avoid dangerous climate change without jeopardizing economic and social
concerns or failing for legal-administrative reasons.
The following
papers are based on the presentations either at the plenary sessions or
the parallel break-out groups of the symposium. The full program of the
event can be found in Annex 1.
The symposium was conducted as a
joint effort of the Environmental Ministry of Baden-Württemberg, the
European Climate Forum, the Institute for Environmental Management at
the European School of Management (Berlin), and the Potsdam Institute
for Climate Impact
Research (PIK). The event built on past
stakeholder dialogues and events organised by PIK with various
partners. The mission of PIK, its research focus and structure have
constituted a suitable environment within which science-based
stakeholder dialogues have found a natural place. The stakeholders
involved in PIK’s stakeholder activities have been diverse, ranging
from interested individuals to international corporations. The group of
people involved in this symposium represented a variety of
organisations and viewpoints as well, thus triggering lively debates on
long term policy options.
This is exactly the objective of PIK’s
active stakeholder approach, to bring together different views and
exchange arguments on controversial issues related to climate change.
We would like to thank all speakers, convenors and participants for the
active support in making the event successful.