11/15/2023 - First in-person meeting held within and for the TiPMiP project

From November 05 to 08, the group participated in the first in-person meeting held within and for the TiPMiP project titled "Addressing Key Uncertainties in Modelling Physical and Ecological Tipping Dynamics in the Earth System (towards TiPMiP)".
The Tipping Model Intercomparison Project (TiPMiP) was initiated by Prof. Ricarda Winkelmann. The project is co-developed by, among others, group members of the WG Ice Dynamics who can draw from their year long experiences gained within ice-sheet modelling research to shape, for instance, the experiments within TiPMiP.
The productive meeting was held near Templin, Germany and received funding from the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Stiftung.
Click here, for a more in-depth summary of this event.