„The year 2015 was an important year for sustainability research. With the adoption of the United Nation’s global sustainability goals (SDGs) and the Paris agreement aiming at limiting global warming to 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius at most the states of the world agreed to a common track,” says Wolfgang Lucht of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), one of only six members of the German Future Earth committee, appointed by the German Research Foundation (DFG). “This momentum now should be used for joint research. To solve global problems we need new interdisciplinary ideas and a global cooperation in sustainability research. Future Earth can make a contribution to these efforts.”
As well as Wolfgang Lucht, who organized the workshop” Earth system modeling and social macrodynamics,” Hermann Lotze-Campen and Elmar Kriegler from PIK arranged the workshop “Towards a comprehensive future scenario framework for assessing sustainable development strategies,” Katja Frieler, Christopher Reyer, Lila Warszawski, Jacob Schewe, Franziska Piontek and Matthias Büchner organized discussions on the „big questions in climate impact science and climate action research.“ Dieter Gerten reported on „Quantifying planetary opportunities within planetary boundaries.“
The ten-year research programme “Future Earth” is an initiative of leading international scientific organizations. They aim at providing the knowledge needed to tackle the most urgent challenges of the 21st century related to global sustainability through open and collaborative processes in partnership with society and users of science.
Weblink to Future Earth International: http://www.futureearth.info/
Weblink to the German Future Earth committee: http://www.dkn-future-earth.org/
Weblink to the 2. Future Earth Summit: http://2016.dkn-future-earth.de/