Katharina Hölzle's and Detlef Sprinz's joint course is addressed to Master's students of the economic and social sciences as well as to the digital engineering faculty: "We are convinced, that in this way we provide the students with technical, methodical and social skills", says Katharina Hölzle. The scientist left her professorship for "innovation management and entrepreneurship" at the economic and social science faculty of the Potsdam University by the end of October and accepted the call to be professor for "IT Entrepreneurship" at the digital engineering faculty (HPI). "Through the use of a multi-actor negotiation software and a self-learning system, the students experience the interplay between political decisions and economic interests on the one hand and, on the other hand, the operational consequences of political decisions", says Hölzle.
For Detlef Sprinz, who teaches global climate and environmental policy at the Potsdam University and researches at PIK, the tandem fellowship is the chance to "interdisciplinary educate the students through the interplay of both components. This is not only new, but brings to the fore the crucial, big wheel for a possible transformation towards greater sustainability."
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