PhD-Seminars in 2011/2012

Previous seminars in 2012

7 Dec Christian Pape Nonlinear dynamics and compressive sensing
23 Nov

Daniel R. Klein

Susceptibility of the European electricity sector to climate change
9 Nov Oleksandr Kit Climate Assessment Tool for Hyderabad (CATHY) as a lightweight web-based GIS and decision support tool
26 Oct Dr. Flavio Siabatto Pinto Adaptability, transformation and evolution of social systems
5 Oct

Dr. Bernd Hezel

Heike Munderloh

Climate Media Factory - an update
3 Aug Mady Olonschek Current and future heating energy demand of residential buildings in the Netherlands
20 Jul Katharina Scherber Impacts of thermal stress and air pollution on cardiovascular and respiratory system diseases during summer months in Berlin-Brandenburg 1993-2008
13 Jul Dr. Dominik Reusser Country pathways - what is important? For whom?
22 Jun Bin Zhou Urban Heat Island: a study based on a vast number of urban agglomerations
15 Mar Cecilia Matasci Swiss tourism in the age of climate change - vulnerability, adaptive capacity and barriers to adaptation
9 Mar Jana Werg Assessing social vulnerability to climate  change - stable and changeable factors of vulnerability in cities in the Philippines and India (case studies)
27 Jan Luís Costa Costs of adaptation options to climate change: A comparative analysis of "different" assessments
20 Jan Nana Karlstetter Modeling socio-economic pathways: Sustainable food security under climate change. A regional perspective.
13 Jan Tabea Lissner The climate risk index: an update


Previous seminars in 2011


18 Nov Katharina Beyerl Perception of climate related environmental changes and adaptation strategies: The role of socio-demographic and selected psychological factors. A survey in 12 Pacific Small Island States
21 Oct Boris Prahl Applying stochastic small-scale damage functions to German winter storms
2 Sep Dr. Diego Rybski
Analyzing the phase statistics of phenological records: fluctuations and correlations with temperature
29 Jul Anto Dominic Raphael        
Forest Fire Risk for German Federal States
22 Jul Mady Olonschek Joining a summer school - A once-in-a-lifetime experience!
15 Jul Prajal Pradhan Analysis of global food supply and demand
10 Jun Anne Holsten Benefits and challenges of multi-sectoral impact assessments
13 May
Dr. Diana Reckien

Subjective realities of climate change - How impact networks contribute to deriving socially sensible adaptation options

1 Apr Luís Costa

Benefits of adaptation to sea-level rise in multiple decision-making scenarios - Framework and application


10 Mar Christian Pape

From graph databases and ontologies to semantic web applications

4 Mar Tabea Lissner

Exploring the multidimensionality of human well-being: towards an application in climate change research

18 Feb Olivia Roithmeier

Flooding of coastal urban areas - Which damages are to expect for Kalundburg, Denmark

21 Jan Till Sterzel

"Techniques for automating spatial data processing in ArcGIS  - some insights and tips"


7 Jan Dominik Reusser

Learning with models: A hydrological example


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