Ten PIK researchers among the most influential scientists worldwide: ranking

29.11.2019 - According to a new Clarivate ranking, ten scientists from all research areas of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) are among the most cited researchers worldwide. This places them among the most influential scientists in the world, and their studies rank among the top 1% of scientific literature. Whether natural or social sciences, PIK is among the most renowned research institutions in Germany and worldwide, as the recently published ranking shows.
Ten PIK researchers among the most influential scientists worldwide: ranking

The second year in a row, ten researchers from PIK have made it into the ranking this year: PIK Director Johan Rockström, Stefan Rahmstorf (Co-Chair of PIK Research Domain Earth System Analysis), Hermann Lotze-Campen (Co-Chair of PIK Research Domain Climate Resilience), Jürgen Kurths (Co-Chair of PIK Research Domain Complexity Science), Elmar Kriegler (Co-Chair of PIK Research Domain Transformation Paths), Gunnar Luderer (Deputy Chair of  PIK Research Domain Transformation Paths), as well as Malte Meinshausen, Dieter Gerten, Christoph Müller and Alexander Popp.

The Clarivate Analytics ranking reflects the influence of scientific work and illustrates how much other research has been inspired or questioned by it. The ranking is based on data from the Web of Science, a literature and citation database. With an enormous number of citation statistics, the Web of Science is the authoritative compendium for the influence and relevance of worldwide research. For the second time this year, not only the influence within a subject area was analysed, but also interdisciplinary influence. A total of around 6,000 researchers from 60 countries were honoured as highly cited.

Weblink to the Clarivate Ranking


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