Publications: Vulnerability/Impacts

By year: [2011-2012] [2013-2014] [2015-2016] [2017-2018] [2019-2020] [2021-2022] [Books, Popular Science]
By topic: [Damages] [Development/SDGs] [Sectors/GHG] [Food/Sustainability] [Transitions] [Urban Systems] [Vulnerability/Impacts][Misc.]

Journal Articles: Vulnerability/Impacts

bold: Contributions of group members

  1. Pradhan P, Seydewitz T, Zhou B, Luedeke MKB, Kropp JP (2022): Climate extremes are becoming more frequent, co-occurring, and persistent in Europe. Anthropocene Science – in press, [DOI].
  2. Rabbi SE, Shant R, Karmakar S, Habib A, Kropp JP (2021): Regional mapping of climate variability index and identifying socio-economic factors influencing farmer’s perception in Bangladesh. Environment, Development and Sustainability, - in press, [DOI]
  3. Pradhan P, Kropp JP (2020): Interplay between diets, health, and climate change. Sustainability, 12(9): 3878, [DOI].
  4. Athare T, Pradhan P, Kropp JP (2020): Environmental Implications and socioeconomic Characterisation of Indian Diets. The Science of the Total Environment, 737: 139881, [DOI].
  5. Walther C, Lüdeke MKB, Gudipudi R (2019): A new method to identify robust climate analogues. Climate Research 78:2, 179-187 [DOI].
  6. Weng W, Luedeke MKB, Zemp DC, Lakes T, Kropp (2018): Aerial and surface rivers: downwind impacts on water availability from land use changes in Amazonia, Hydrology and Earth System Science, 22, 911-927, [DOI].
  7. Waha K, Krummenauer L, Adams S, Aich V, Baarsch F, Coumou D, Fader M, Hoff H, Jobbins G, Marcus R, Mengel M, Otto IM, Perrette M, Rocha M, Robinson A, Schleussner C-F (2017): Climate change impacts in the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region and their implications for vulnerable population groups. Reg. Environ. Change, 17,6, 1623–1638 [DOI].
  8. Carl-Friedrich Schleussner CF, Lissner TK, Fischer EM, Wohland J, Perrette M, Golly A, Rogelji J, Childers K, Schewe J, Frieler K, Mengel M, Hare W, Schaeffer M (2016): Differential climate impacts for policy-relevant limits to global warming: the case of 1.5 °C and 2 °C, Earth Syst. Dynam. 7, 327–351, [DOI]
  9. Walther C, Olonscheck M (2016): Analyzing heat exposure in two German cities by using meteorological data from both within and outside a city. Meteorological Applications, 23, 3, 541–553, [DOI].
  10. Kok MTJ, Lüdeke MKB, Lucas PL, Sterzel T, Walther C, Janssen P, Sietz D, de Soysa I (2016): A new method for analysing patterns of vulnerability. Regional Environmental Change, 16(1), 229-241, [DOI]
  11. Lissner TK, Reusser DE, Lakes T, Kropp JP (2014): A systematic approach to assess human wellbeing demonstrated for impacts of climate change. Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems 1(1), 2300-3669
  12. Lissner TK, Sullivan CA, Reusser DE, Kropp JP (2014): Determining regional limits and sectoral constraints for water use under climate change. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11: 4695-4727, [DOI],
  13. Sterzel T, Lüdeke MKB, Kok MTJ, de Soysa I, Walter C, Sietz D, Lucas PL, Janssen P (2014): Armed conflict distribution in global drylands through the lens of a typology of socio-ecological vulnerability, Regional Environmental Change, 14(4): 1419-1435, [DOI].
  14. Werg J, Grothmann T, Schmidt P (2013): Assessing social capacity and vulnerability of private households to natural hazards – integrating psychological and governance factors. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 1613–1628 [DOI]
  15. Klein DR, Olonscheck M, Walther C, Kropp JP (2013), Susceptibility of the European electricity sector to climate change. Energy 59: 183-193, [DOI]
  16. Holsten A, Dominic AR, Costa L, Kropp JP (2013): Evaluation of the Performance of Meteorological Forest Fire Indices for German Federal States. Forest Ecology and Management 287: 123-131, [DOI]
  17. Costa L, Kropp JP (2013): Linking operations and definitions of vulnerability: Lessons from case studies in climate-change and risk-hazard context. Sustainability Science 8(1): 1-9, [DOI].
  18. Tekken V, Kropp JP (2012): Climate-Driven or Human-Induced: Indicating Severe Water Scarcity in the Moulouya River Basin (Morocco). Water, 4(4):959-982 [DOI].
  19. Sietz D, Manani Choque SE, Lüdeke MKB (2012) Typical patterns of smallholders climate vulnerability with respect to food security in the Peruvian Altiplano. Regional Environmental Change 2(3): 489-505, [DOI].
  20. Holsten A, Kropp JP (2012): An integrated and transferable climate change vulnerability assessment for regional application. Natural Hazards 64:1977–1999, [DOI]
  21. Lissner T, Holsten A, Walther C, Kropp JP (2012): Towards sectoral and standardised vulnerability assessments: the example of heatwave impacts on human health. Climatic Change 112: 687-708, [DOI] .
  22. Hofmann ME, Hinkel J, Wrobel M(2011): Classifying knowledge on climate change impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability in Europe for informing adaptation research and decision-making: a conceptual meta-analysis. Global Environmental Change, 21(3): 1106-1116 [DOI].
  23. Klaus M, Holsten A, Hostert P., Kropp JP (2011): An integrated methodology to assess windthrow impacts on forest stands under climate change. Forest Ecology and Management, 261: 1799-1810, [DOI].
  24. Sietz D, Lüdeke MKB, Walther C. (2011) Categorisation of typical vulnerability patterns in global drylands. Global Environmental Change 21(2): 431-440, [DOI].
  25. Costa-Carvalho L, Thonike K, Poulter B, Badeck F (2011): Sensitivity of Portuguese forest fires to climatic, human and landscape variables – Differences between fire drivers in extreme fire years and decadal averages. Regional Environmental Change 11(3): 541-551, [DOI].

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