PIK congratulates fellow Yuri Maistrenko on Humboldt Research Award

03/21/2023 - Yuri Maistrenko from the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences is a guest scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and has now been awarded the Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at a festive ceremony in Bamberg.
PIK congratulates fellow Yuri Maistrenko on Humboldt Research Award
Yuri Maistrenko received the Humboldt Research award from the president of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Professor Schlögl.

“Yuri Maistrenko is a world-leading scientist in nonlinear dynamics and complex systems,” says Jürgen Kurths of PIK´s research department Complexity Science, who is hosting Maistrenko. “He has made fundamental contributions on complex networks and has found virtual chimera, a novel phenomenon in complex systems.” It has become a basis for neuromorphic and reservoir computing, a novel branch of machine leaning.

During his stay at PIK, Maistrenko will work on uncovering hidden mechanisms of blackouts in modern power grids which cost businesses more than $150 billion annually.


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