Society of Friends and Promoters of the Potsdam Institute

The Society

of Friends and Promoters of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research e.V. was founded in 2002 under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Dr. Udo E. Simonis, who is now honorary chairman of the society.

The society currently has 28 members.

The current governing body consists of

  • Prof. Dr. Manfred Stock, Chair
  • Prof. Dr. Hermann Ott, Vice Chair
  • Publisher Jürgen Strauss, Treasurer 

The task

is to promote science and research at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research e.V.
For this purpose, the main activities are to raise funds for tax-deductible charitable purposes and to promote and cultivate its reputation as an institution, including through public events.

What does the society promote?

Promotion, support and dissemination of PIK's scientific findings through

  • Awarding prizes, e.g. for the best dissertation, collaborative work or publication
  • Grants for professional workshops and retreats of research groups
  • Support of the Alumni programme of PIK
  • Promotion of scientific exchange among PhD students and postdocs at PIK
  • Support of the Newcomer Programme
  • Support for special achievements of the staff in respect to sustainability and gender equality
  • Promotion of public discourse on climate protection, climate impacts and adaptation, and the opportunities of a climate-responsive society


A selection of activities of the Friends and Promoters of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research can be found here.

Our society needs members and donations

We are a non-profit organization, society registration number: VR 2397

Statute (in German only): Die Satzung (pdf: 24 KB)

Address:   Postfach 60 12 03 · 14412 Potsdam

Bank account: Mittelbrandenburgische Sparkasse in Potsdam
IBAN DE 76 1605 0000 3502 0241 37

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