Edenhofer welcomes the InterAcademy Council’s reform recommendations to the IPCC

08/31/2010 - On Monday, the InterAcademy Council has released its report “Climate Change Assessments - Review of the Processes and Procedures of the IPCC”. The review committee states that the process to produce the periodic assessment reports has been “successful overall”. However, it recommends fundamentally reforming the IPCC management structure and strengthening its procedures.
Edenhofer welcomes the InterAcademy Council’s reform recommendations to the IPCC

“I welcome the review by the InterAcademy Council as the most valuable input to the discussion on recent allegations made concerning the credibility of the IPCC,” says Ottmar Edenhofer, co-chair of the Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). “In order to keep up the high levels of scientific accuracy and relevance to the public, we will thoroughly analyze the IAC recommendations,” Edenhofer says.

The main body of the IPCC is the Panel of representatives of the 194 participating governments. The Panel sets the scope of the assessments, elects the Bureau that oversees them, and approves the Summaries for Policymakers that accompany the massive assessment reports. The IAC now recommends establishing an Executive Committee to act on the Panel’s behalf between Plenary sessions. “The membership of the Committee should include the IPCC Chair, the Working Group Co-chairs, the senior member of the Secretariat, and three independent members, including some from outside of the climate community,” the review committee states. The IPCC should also elect an Executive Director to lead the Secretariat and handle day-to-day operations of the organization.

With regard to errors found in the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC, published in 2007, the IAC recommends to strengthen IPCC procedures. “The review committee regards the review process of the assessment reports as elaborate,” notes Edenhofer, “I do support the recommendation, though, that we should further encourage Review Editors of the assessment reports to fully exercise their authority to ensure that reviewers’ comments are adequately considered by the authors and that genuine controversies are adequately reflected in the report.”

IAC Review of the IPCC

IAC News Release

Full report:

Related IPCC Press Release

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