Workshop “Coordinating the next wave of EU climate policies”

The workshop took place on 20 November 2019 in Berlin and gathered over 20 international researchers. It took stock of climate policies in progressive EU member states and discussed the interaction of domestic policies with EU climate policy, including the EU ETS and the Effort-Sharing Regulation in the non-ETS sectors.

Workshop Agenda

Session I – National climate policy and carbon pricing developments

Germany – Ottmar Edenhofer
France – Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet
United Kingdom – Mike Thompson
Netherlands – Hermann Vollebergh
Sweden – Lars Zetterberg
Ireland – Frank Convery
Poland – T. Skoczkowski / K. Korczak / M. Kochański

Session II – Analyzing interaction of national policies with the MSR

Emission trading with an endogenous cap - Reyer Gerlagh
Endogenous Emission Caps Always Induce a Green Paradox - Knut Einar Rosendahl
National measures complementary to EU ETS - Corjan Brink

Session III – EU ETS reform in view of increasing ambition of EU 2030 and 2050 climate targets

Preparing the 2021 EU ETS MSR Review and the Road to Greater EU Climate Ambition - Simon Quemin
Allowance prices in the EU ETS - Marina Friedrich

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