“Outstanding young scientist” awarded

05/13/2014 - The European Geosciences Union (EGU) gave the award “Outstanding Young Scientist” of its division Energy, Resources and the Environment to Tabea K. Lissner from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. The PhD-student received the prize at the annual meeting of more than 12,000 scientists form 106 countries in Vienna last week. She was honoured for contributing “to important advancements in the work needed to tackle the challenges associated with the provision of energy and other social resources,” according to the laudatio.
“Outstanding young scientist” awarded

Lissner “developed the concept of the Livelihood Index as a simple and powerful tool for the integration of the geosciences and social sciences,” the EGU notes. Her work in PIK’s research domain Climate Impacts and Vulnerability focuses on the relationship between humans and water. “The Index aims at linking the substantial knowledge we have on the biophysical impacts of climate change with human livelihood conditions,” Lissner says. “This has been recognised as a topic of high relevance, but the linkages remain insufficiently explored in a quantitative way – which is why I am really happy that it now gets this much of appreciation.”

The EGU highlights that the Index indeed “is an important tool connecting climate mitigation and adaptation research to where it has the most significance – to people’s lives.”


Weblink to a scientific article under discussion at Earth System Dynamics: http://www.earth-syst-dynam-discuss.net/5/403/2014/esdd-5-403-2014.pdf

Weblink to application of the Livelihood Index in ci:grasp: http://www.pik-potsdam.de/~wrobel/ci_2/lhc/lhc.html