Experts meet at Global Solutions Summit in Berlin

06/05/2018 - More than 1100 policy thinkers and policy leaders from all around the world came together recently at the Global Solutions Summit in Berlin to discuss crucial topics for global governance in the context of the next G20 summits in Argentina and Japan. Official delegates from the T20 Argentina and the T20 Japan, Nobel Laureates and high level speakers like German Chancellor Angela Merkel participated in the Berlin Summit of think tanks, policy makers, business leaders and NGOs.
Experts meet at Global Solutions Summit in Berlin

Ottmar Edenhofer, Chief Economist and designated Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) as well as Director of the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) was a prominent speaker in a T20 session plenary on “Climate Action and Infrastructure for Development” with Svenja Schulze, German Federal Minister for Environment, Naoyuki Yoshina from the Asian Development Bank Institute and other contributors. Furthermore, Jürgen Kropp, Deputy Chair of PIK’s research domain Climate Impacts and Vulnerabilities discussed “Ecosystems and Livelihoods under Threat – Solutions for a Changing Hindu Kush Himalaya” with panelists like Yeshey Dorij, Minister for Agriculture and Forest of Bhutan, and David Molden from the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) at the summit.   

The Global Solutions Initiative was established during the German G20 Presidency and brings together leading think tanks and stakeholders to provide policy solutions to the most relevant global institutions as a new, permanent supportive advisory structure to the G20 and G7.

 A meeting with the German Federal Minister for Environment Svenja Schulze, Jürgen Kropp from PIK and colleagues from the ICIMOD on climate risks for the Hindu Kush Himalayan region, following the Global Solutions Summit (May 2018). Photo: ICIMOD
A meeting with the German Federal Minister for Environment Svenja Schulze, Jürgen Kropp from PIK and colleagues from the ICIMOD on climate risks for the Hindu Kush Himalayan region, following the Global Solutions Summit.

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