Schellnhuber briefs stakeholder conference on the 2015 agreement on climate policy

04/17/2013 - The preparations for the next climate agreement that is supposed to be reached in 2015 are already taking shape – and civil society is being asked to accompany and support the EU´s development/decision process. On invitation by Connie Hedegaard, the EU´s Commissioner for Climate Action, a number of experts and decision makers meet at a stakeholder´s conference in Brussels today. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, has been asked to hold a keynote on the state of play in climate science.
Schellnhuber briefs stakeholder conference on the 2015 agreement on climate policy

“This is the starting signal for the hardest stage on the path to the world climate agreement 2015,” Schellnhuber says. “When it comes to the facts of climate change, there has been a lot of confusion in the public debates recently, which interested circles seek to exploit and deepen. Now it is up to science to bring light into this darkness and to draw a realistic picture of the challenges ahead for the public in Europe. On this basis citizens can make informed decisions.”

After the keynotes, Schellnhuber and Hedegaard will discuss the matter with representatives from nongovernmental organisations and companies as well as decision makers, among them the Irish Minister of the Environment, Phil Hogan. Ireland currently holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The conference is part of the consultation process that the European Commission launched on how best to design the 2015 climate agreement.

Link to conference and live webstream: