The two-day-conference from April 24-25 is organized by Berlin Thinktank Adelphi, the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). “Scientists are observing that the world is changing everywhere. It's not just climate, it's also the biosphere, the oceans, general chemical pollution. The concept of Planetary Boundaries describes on a scientific basis what the limits are that we should adhere to with changes of the planet so that we do not enter dangerous terrain - dangerous for the well-being of our societies, of our civilization”, Wolfgang Lucht explains, who is Co-Chair of Research Domain “Earth System Analysis” at the Potsdam Institute and also a speaker at the conference. Furthermore, PIK scientists Dieter Gerten and Holger Hoff will chair workshops.
Hosted by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU), the conference focuses on the practical implications for society, economy and politics. “Making the Planetary Boundaries Concept Work” will discuss key issues like: How can we further improve the scientific justification of the internationally recognised concept? How can we apply the concept to national environmental and sustainability policies and policy-making? Which opportunities provided by the concept arise for technical, economical and social innovations, for corporate risk and corporate environmental management, for environmental education and communication?
Making the Planetary Boundaries Concept Work, 24-25 April 2017
Weblink to the conference programme and further information:
The plenary sessions will also be available in a Livestream on 24 and 25 April 2017, to make the conference more widely available: