Wolfgang Lucht has been a member of the independent committee since 2016 and will now serve on it for a further four years. As holder of the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for Sustainability Sciences at Humboldt University in Berlin, he is one of seven university professors from various disciplines who were appointed to the Council at the suggestion of the German Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke. The SRU was established in 1971 as a scientific advisory body to the Federal Government on environmental issues and began its work in 1972. It prepares expert opinions and statements on current fundamental and individual environmental policy issues.
Most recently, Wolfgang Lucht's work as a member of the SRU has focused on the democratic legitimacy of environmental policy and the topic of sufficiency as a "strategy of enough", which, alongside technological efficiency and an improved circular economy, is necessary to limit the environmental consumption of society as a whole in order to achieve the goal of a life in dignity for all people within the planetary boundaries. He will present the SRU statement "Sufficiency as a strategy of enough: An invitation to discussion" to the German Parliament's Environment Committee in July.
Further information on the German Advisory Council on the Environment,:
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