Fifth Meeting of the B-EPICC Advisory Board

08/12/2022 & 09/12/2022 - The B-EPICC project hosted its annual Advisory Board meeting on 8th and 9th December 2022 in Potsdam. Following two years of online gatherings due to the pandemic, it was a delight to host a face-to-face meeting again in 2022.
Fifth Meeting of the B-EPICC Advisory Board
First row: Thiago Garcia, Melissa Bayer, Kira Vinke, Andrea Kambergs, Stephanie Gleixner, Josef Ludescher; back row: Larissa Kleiner, Silvia Holten, Sarah Bereswill, Mechthild Becker, Carmen Gottwald, Günter Nooke (from left to right) © Simone Fischer

Advisory Board members, guests and a representative from project funder, the International Climate Initiative (IKI), were presented with detailed insights from B-EPICC scientists on their progress in 2022 with scientific research and partner collaboration. B-EPICC partner TERI also presented on their engagement with the project. B-EPICC was able to evidence substantial progress working with long-term partners in Peru and India and emerging progress with stakeholders in new partner countries Brazil and Ethiopia. 2022 has been a good year for the project. Following several years in which the project was unable to travel to partner countries, visits to Tanzania, Peru, Brazil, India and Ethiopia were all possible once more. In the Advisory Board meeting, project scientists and managers elaborated on workshops conducted with partners in Tanzania, Peru and Brazil, as well as study tours in Brazil, India and Ethiopia. Advisory Board members and guests were generous in their feedback. Breakout sessions garnered insights for the project on how to further evolve capacity building and project longevity initiatives. We thank our Advisory Board for their time and feedback!

B-EPICC Output:

Whole Project

For further information please contact:
B-EPICC Project Management
E-Mail: epicc[at]


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