3 out of 10 climate science papers most referred to in news and social media feature PIK authors

01/06/2023 - In a ranking of climate science papers most referred to in news and social media, no less than 3 out of the top 10 papers feature authors from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). The ranking is published by the renowned 'Carbon Brief' newsletter and is based on the papers' so-called Altmetric score. While this metric is certainly not perfect, it is a good indicator to help assess public perception of climate science publications.
3 out of 10 climate science papers most referred to in news and social media feature PIK authors
The top 10 climate papers in 2022 for news and social media attention. Figure: Carbon Brief

A paper linked to the COVID pandemic is #1 of the ranking, showing how climate change increases cross-species viral transmission risks. Right after this, the #2 is a study on how exceeding 1.5°C global warming could trigger multiple climate tipping points. This study published in 'Science' is led by David Armstrong McKay from Stockholm Resilience Centre, with a number of co-authors from PIK including Director Johan Rockström and FutureLab leader Ricarda Winkelmann. #6 in the ranking is a paper on exploring catastrophic climate change scenarios. The paper in the 'Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences' (PNAS), led by Luke Kemp from Cambridge, is co-authored by, amongst others, PIK Director Johan Rockström and Director Emeritus John Schellnhuber. #10 is a paper on Amazon rainforest resilience loss, published in 'Nature Climate Change' by Christ Boulton from Exeter University, with PIK's FutureLab leader Niklas Boers.

Studies on climate economics or climate solutions are outside the scope of the ranking which focuses on climate science.


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