Publications: Food/Sustainability

By year: [2011-2012] [2013-2014] [2015-2016] [2017-2018] [2019-2020] [2021-2022] [Books, Popular Science]
By topic: [Damages] [Development/SDGs] [Sectors/GHG] [Food/Sustainability] [Transitions] [Urban Systems] [Vulnerability/Impacts] [Misc.]

Journal Articles: Food/Sustainability

bold: Contributions of group members

  1. Khubaib N, Asad SA, Khalil T, Baig A, Atif S, Umar M, Kropp JP, Pradhan P, Baig S (2021): Predicting Suitability of Wheat and Maize Cultivation Under Future Climate Change Scenarios in Pakistan. Climate Research, 83: 15-25, [DOI].
  2. Clora F, Yu W,  Baudry G, Costa L (2021): Impacts of supply-side climate change mitigation practices and trade policy regimes under dietary transition: the case of European agriculture. Environ. Res. Lett., 16, 124048, [DOI].
  3. Khalil T, Asad SA, Khubaib N, Baig A, Atif S, Umer M, Kropp JP, Pradhan P, Baig S (2021): Climate Change and Potential distribution of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum) Crop Cultivation in Pakistan Using Maxent. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 6(2): 663-676, [DOI].
  4. Rabbi SE, Shant R, Karmakar S, Habib A, Kropp JP (2021): Regional mapping of climate variability index and identifying socio-economic factors influencing farmer’s perception in Bangladesh. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23: 11050–11066, [DOI].
  5. Bodirsky BL, Dietrich JP, Martinelli E, Stenstad A, Pradhan P, Gabrysch S, Mishra A, Weindl I, Le Mouël C, Rolinski S, Baumstark L, Wang X, Waid J, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2020): The ongoing nutrition transition thwarts long-term targets for food security, public health and environmental protection. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-14, [DOI].
  6. Bavorova M, Muench S, Pradhan P (2021): Climate Change Adaptation by smallholder Tea Farmers: a Case Study of Nepal. Environmental Science and Policy, 116, 136-146, [DOI].
  7. Rabbi SE, Ali M, Costa LC, Pradhan P, Rahman A, Yunus FM, & Kropp JP (2021). Identifying climatic and non-climatic determinants of malnutrition prevalence in Bangladesh: A country-wide cross-sectional spatial analysis. Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology, 37: 100422, [DOI].
  8. Pradhan P, Kriewald S, Costa L, Rybski D, Benton TG, Fischer G, and Kropp JP (2020): Urban food systems: how regionalization can contribute to climate change mitigation. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(17) 10551–10560. [DOI].
  9. Pradhan P, Kropp JP (2020): Interplay between diets, health, and climate change. Sustainability, 12(9): 3878, [DOI].
  10. Athare T, Pradhan P, Kropp JP (2020): Environmental Implications and socioeconomic Characterisation of Indian Diets. The Science of the Total Environment, 737: 139881, [DOI].
  11. Beltrán-Tolosa LM, Navarro-Racines C, Pradhan P, Cruz-Garcia GS, Solis R, Quintero M. (2020) Action needed for staple crops in the Andean-Amazon foothills because of climate change. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 25: 1103–1127, [DOI].
  12. Herrero M, Thornton PK, Mason-D’Croz D, Palmer J, Benton TG, Bodirsky BL, Bogard JR, Hall A, Lee B, Nyborg K, Pradhan P , Bonnett GD, Bryan BA, et al. (2020): Innovation can accelerate the transition towards a sustainable food system. Nature Food, 1(5), 266-272, [DOI].
  13. Putra, MPIF, Pradhan P, Kropp JP (2020): A systematic analysis of Water-Energy-Food security nexus: a South Asian case study. Science of the Total Environment, 728: 138451, [DOI].
  14. Rosenzweig C, Mbow C, Barioni LG, Benton TG, Herrero M, Krishnapillai M, Liwenga ET, Pradhan P, Rivera-Ferre MG, et al. (2020): Climate change responses benefit from a global food system approach. Nature Food 1, 94–97, [DOI].
  15. Bodirsky, B.L.; Pradhan, P.; Springmann, M. (2019) Reducing ruminant numbers and consumption of animal source foods are aligned with environmental and public health demands. J Sustainable Organic Agric Syst 69, 25–30, [DOI].
  16. Landholm D, Pradhan P, Wegmann P, Romero Sánchez M, Suárez Salazar JC, Kropp JP (2019): Reducing deforestation and improving livestock productivity: GHG mitigation potential of silvopastoral systems in Caquetá. Environmental Res. Lett. 14(11): 114007, [DOI].
  17. Kriewald S, Pradhan P, Costa L, Cantu Ros A, Kropp JP (2019): Hungry cities: how local food self-sufficiency relates to climate change, life styles and urbanization. Environmental Research Letters, 14(9): 094007, [DOI].
  18. Hic C, Pradhan P, Rybski D, Kropp JP (2016): Food surplus and its climate burden. Environmental Science and Technology, 50(8), 4269–4277, [DOI]
  19. Pradhan P, Fischer G, van Velthuizen H, Reusser DE, & Kropp JP (2015). Closing yield gaps: how sustainable can we be? PLoS ONE 10(6): e0129487, [DOI].
  20. Pradhan P, Lüdeke MKB, Reusser DE, Kropp JP (2013) Embodied crop calories in animal products. Environmental Research Letters,8(4): 044044, [DOI]
  21. Prajal P, Reusser D, Kropp JP (2013): Embodied greenhouse gas emissions in diets. PlosOne 8(5): e62228, [DOI]
  22. Sietz D, Manani Choque SE, Lüdeke MKB (2012) Typical patterns of smallholders climate vulnerability with respect to food security in the Peruvian Altiplano. Regional Environmental Change 2(3): 489-505, [DOI].

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