Empowering Himalayan Sustainability: Workshop Strengthens Teaching and Research on SDGs

16/08/2023 - The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand hosted a 3-day workshop titled "Strengthening Teaching and Research on Sustainable Development Goals: Curriculum Transfer and Capacity Building" from 13-16 August 2023. The workshop is a part of the ForHimSDG (Promoting Himalayan Development by Strengthening Teaching and Research on Sustainable Development Goals) project, lead by PIK in collaboration with the AIT and Kathmandu University and funded by DAAD.
Empowering Himalayan Sustainability: Workshop Strengthens Teaching and Research on SDGs
Source: Prajal Pradhan

The primary objectives of the workshop were to share experiences regarding the implementation of the previously co-developed course on sustainability and to explore avenues for transferring and adapting it to other universities in the HKH region. The course was co-created during a workshop held in Nepal in July 2022 and was successfully delivered through hybrid lectures, led by Professor. Shobhakar Dhakal of AIT and Dr. Prajal Pradhan of PIK.

Participants also discussed the design and implementation of the ForHimSDG Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and dedicated a session to exploring collaborative research opportunities within the HKH region under the ForHimSDG exchange program. This program allows students and faculty from various regions to participate in research activities at AIT and KU.

The workshop brought together 35 participants from 8 countries and 14 universities, representing academia from countries within the HKH region, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, as well as representatives from Mongolia and Germany.

Dr. Prajal Pradhan, from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), expressed his enthusiasm, stating, "Over the course of three productive days, we engaged in fruitful discussions about various aspects of sustainability education and research. I'm delighted to see participants from diverse universities in the region willing to adapt the ForHimSDG sustainability course into their curricula and participate in the ForHimSDG exchange program."

Prof. Shobhakar Dhakal from the Asian Institute of Technology remarked, “Sustainability is a key theme of AIT, and we are pleased to explore avenues to further integrate sustainability in AIT’s courses and curriculum. Additionally, we are committed to aiding capacity development in other universities across Asia."

Dr. Sunil Lohani from Kathmandu University expressed his satisfaction stating, "I am pleased to witness the growing interest in sustainability among universities in the HKH region. The enlightening three-day workshop at AIT has not only strengthened the consortium of HKH universities but has also paved the way for South-South collaborations aimed at capacity development surrounding sustainability issues."

ForHimSDG aims to strengthen teaching and research on SDGs within the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region by fostering both North-South and South-South cooperation. It aims to achieve this vision by developing and realizing higher education partnerships between institutions in Germany, Thailand, and Nepal.