
Arbeitsgruppe Zustände des sich wandelnden Erdsystems (ESMO)
Fazel-Rastgar, Farahnaz, Rostami, Masoud, Fallah, Bijan H., Sivakumar, Venkataraman: Torrential rainfall with severe flooding associated with a baroclinic disturbance on November 17, 2023, United Arab Emirates (UAE) - International Journal of River Basin Management
Reddin, Carl, Landwehrs, Jan Philip, Mathes, Gregor H., Ullmann, Clemens V., Feulner, Georg, Aberhan, Martin (2025): Marine species and assemblage change foreshadowed by their thermal bias over Early Jurassic warming - Nature Communications
Rostami, Masoud, Petri, Stefan, Fallah, Bijan H., Fazel‐Rastgar, Farahnaz (2025): A novel sea surface evaporation scheme assessed by the thermal rotating shallow water model - Atmospheric Science Letters
Biewald, Benjamin, Green, J. A. Mattias, Petri, Stefan, Feulner, Georg (2024): Modeling the Impact of Tides and Geothermal Heat Flux on the Climate of Early Earth - Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Wood, Richard A., Baker, Jonathan A., Beaugrand, Grégory, Boutin, Jacqueline, Conversi, Alessandra, Donner, Reik V., Frenger, Ivy, Goberville, Eric, Hayashida, Hakase, Koeve, Wolfgang, Kvale, Karin, Landolfi, Angela, Maslowski, Wieslaw, Oschlies, Andreas, Romanou, Anastasia, Somes, Christopher J., Stocker, Thomas F., Swingedouw, Didier: Opportunities for Earth Observation to Inform Risk Management for Ocean Tipping Points - Surveys in Geophysics
Maluleke, Tirhani, Benecke, Rohan, Oladejo, Sunday, Feulner, Georg, Kern, Steve, Lister, Johanna, McClelland, Gabriel, Njoki, Miriam, Noack, Patrick, Petruccione, Francesco, Rajaratnam, Kanshukan, Waitt, Catriona, Rosenkranz, Bernd, Pillai, Goonaseela (2024): Cross‐disciplinary mathematical modelling to benefit healthcare – could clinical pharmacology play an enabling role? - British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Rostami, Masoud, Petri, Stefan, Guimarães, Sullyandro Oliveira, Fallah, Bijan H. (2024): Open-source stand-alone version of atmospheric model Aeolus 2.0 software - Geoscience Data Journal
Fallah, Bijan H., Rostami, Masoud, Didovets, Iulii, Dong , Zhiwen (2024): High-resolution CMIP6 analysis highlights emerging climate challenges in alpine and Tibetan Tundra zones - Meteorological Applications
Guimarães, Sullyandro Oliveira, Mann, Michael E., Rahmstorf, Stefan, Petri, Stefan, Steinman, Byron A., Brouillette, Daniel J., Christiansen, Shannon, Li, Xueke (2024): Increased projected changes in quasi-resonant amplification and persistent summer weather extremes in the latest multimodel climate projections - Scientific Reports
Fallah, Bijan H., Didovets, Iulii, Rostami, Masoud, Hamidi, Mehdi (2024): Climate change impacts on Central Asia: Trends, extremes and future projections - International Journal of Climatology
Bunde, Armin, Ludescher, Josef, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2024): Evaluation of the real-time El Niño forecasts by the climate network approach between 2011 and present - Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Docquier, David, Di Capua, Giorgia, Donner, Reik V., Pires, Carlos A. L., Simon, Amélie, Vannitsem, Stéphane (2024): A comparison of two causal methods in the context of climate analyses - Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics
Katzenberger, Anja, Petri, Stefan, Feulner, Georg, Levermann, Anders (2024): Monsoon Planet: Bimodal Rainfall Distribution due to Barrier Structure in Pressure Fields - Journal of Climate
Rostami, Masoud, Severino, Luca, Petri, Stefan, Hariri, Saeed (2024): Dynamics of localized extreme heatwaves in the mid-latitude atmosphere: A conceptual examination - Atmospheric Science Letters
Souza Filho, F. A., Rocha, R. V., Estacio, A. B. S., Rolim, L. R. Z., Pontes Filho, J. D. A., Porto, V. C., Guimarães, Sullyandro Oliveira (2023): Enhancing streamflow forecasting for the Brazilian electricity sector: a strategy based on a hyper-multimodel - Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos
Treistmann, F., Penna, D. D. J., Khenayfis, L. de S., Cavalcante, N. B. R., Souza Filho, F. A., Rocha, R. V., Estacio, A. B. S., Rolim, L. R. S., Pontes Filho, J. D. A., Porto, V. C., Guimarães, Sullyandro Oliveira, Pessanha, J. F. M., Almeida, V. A., Chan, P. D. S., Lappicy, T., Lima, C. H. R., Detzel, D. H. M., Bessa, M. R. (2023): A Framework to Evaluate and Compare Synthetic Streamflow Scenario Generation Models - Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos
Ludescher, Josef, Bunde, Armin, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2023): Forecasting the El Niño type well before the spring predictability barrier - npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
Eberhard, Julius, Bevan, Oliver, Feulner, Georg, Petri, Stefan, van Hunen, J., Baldini, J. U. L. (2023): Sensitivity of Neoproterozoic Snowball-Earth inceptions to continental configuration, orbital geometry, and volcanism - Climate of the Past
Hatzaki, M., Di Capua, Giorgia, Chaniotis, J., Patlakas, P., Donner, Reik V., Flocas, H. A. (2023): Causal Drivers of Mediterranean Winter Climate Variability - Environmental Sciences Proceedings
Pint, Anna, Hildebrandt, Anke, Landwehrs, Jan Philip, Feulner, Georg, Scholze, Frank, Nyakatura, John, Ispas, Leon, Grützner, Christoph, Frenzel, Peter (2023): Contour marks as potential indicators of evaporation rates in the early Permian continental vertebrate site Bromacker (Thuringia, Central Germany) - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Di Capua, Giorgia, Coumou, Dim, van den Hurk, Bart, Weisheimer, Antje, Turner, Andrew G., Donner, Reik V. (2023): Validation of boreal summer tropical–extratropical causal links in seasonal forecasts - Weather and Climate Dynamics
Malmierca-Vallet, Irene, Sime, Louise C., Abe-Ouchi, A., Born, A., Bouttes, N., DItlevsen, P., Erb, M. P., Feulner, Georg, Gowan, E. J., Gregoire, L., Guo, C., Harrison, S. P., Andres, H., Kageyama, M., Klockmann, M., Lambert, F., LeGrande, A. N., Merkel, U., Nazarenko, L. S., Nisancioglu, K. H., Oliver, K., Otto-Bliesner, B., Peltier, W. R., Prange, M., Rehfeld, K., Robinson, A. J., Tarasov, L., Valdes, P. J., Vettoretti, G., Weitzel, N., Zhang, Q., Zhang, X. (2023): Dansgaard–Oeschger events in climate models: review and baseline Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3) protocol - Climate of the Past
Wang, Meng, Li, Mingsong, Kemp, David B., Landwehrs, Jan Philip, Jin, Zhijun (2023): Late Triassic sedimentary records reveal the hydrological response to climate forcing and the history of the chaotic Solar System - Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Dahl, T. W., Harding, M. A. R., Brugger, Julia, Feulner, Georg, Norrman, K., Lomax, B. H., Junium, C. K. (2022): Low atmospheric CO2 levels before the rise of forested ecosystems - Nature Communications
Landwehrs, Jan Philip, Feulner, Georg, Willeit, Matteo, Petri, Stefan, Sames, Benjamin, Wagreich, Michael, Whiteside, Jessica H., Olsen, Paul E. (2022): Modes of Pangean Lake-Level Cyclicity Driven by Astronomical Pacing Modulated by Continental Position and pCO2 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
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