Representatives from politics, the economy and administrations who are confronted with climate change in Germany can find basic information on floods, droughts, melting tar on highways or tropical diseases. Hermann Lotze-Campen from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, one of the editors of the chapters about consequences of climate change: "In Germany, the climate risks are less dramatic than in many other regions – for example in the United States but also in European countries like Spain. Even though weather extremes in our country are increasing and farmers will increasingly have to fight with the consequences of climate change. This is why we firstly have to prepare ourselves, for instance in matters of flood protection or agriculture by choosing the right plants and ways of soil cultivation. And secondly, we have to reduce quickly our emissions of greenhouse gases like all countries do in order to limit the rise in temperatures, here and worldwide. Germany could be a pioneer and therefore should urgently pass a credible climate protection plan for 2050."
"Klimawandel in Deutschland", edited by Guy Brasseur, Daniela Jacob and Susanne Schuck-Zöller, is freely available as an open access publication: