• EC-WG1-TIPMIP (Tipping Point Model Intercomparison Project with the Earth Commission)
  • OCEAN:ICE (Ocean Cryosphere Exchanges in Antarctica: Impacts on Climate and the Earth system)
  • Earth4all (Accelerating the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals within Planetary Boundaries with a next generation global system model)
  • TipESM (Exploring Tipping Points and Their Impacts Using Earth System Models)
  • OptimESM (Optimal High Resolution Earth System Models for Exploring Future Climate Changes)
  • PBTip (Planetary Boundaries and Tipping Point Risks in the Earth System)
  • ClimTip (Climate Tipping Points)
  • MÉLANGE-PISM (Effects of ice mélange on ice flow and calving of Greenland glaciers in a warmer climate)
  • GEOLQUEA (Glacial and erosional contributions to Late Quaternary uplift of the European Alps)
  • WorldTrans (Transparent Assessments for Real People)
  • PalMod III (German Climate Modeling Initiative)

Completed Projects

  • DominoES (Domino effects in the Earth system)
  • ERA (Earth Resilience in the Anthropocene)
  • TiPACCs (Tipping Points in Antarctic Climate Components)
  • PROTECT (Projecting sea-level rise : from ice sheets to local implications)
  • TiPES (Models of prediction for Earth system's tipping points)
  • DFG: XMELT (Impact of Extreme Melt Events on the Future Mass Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet)
  • DFG: GIS-TIP (On the Importance of Rapid Dynamics for the Stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet)
  • DFG SPP 1158: VAST (Vulnerability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to a changing Thermocline)
  • DFG SPP 1158: HASH (Hysteresis of the Antarctic Ice Sheet)
  • DFG SPP 1158: PISM-FESOM (Constraining Future Antarctic Ice Loss with the Coupled Ice-Ocean Model)
  • DFG SPP 1158: ANTBASE (Systematic Investigation of the Role of Bed Topography in the Marine Ice-Sheet Instability)
  • PALMOD II WG1 (Key Processes: TP2 Ice sheets/shelves interacting with the solid earth and ocean in the Antarctic)
  • PalMod II CC (Model Coupling and Runtime Optimisation: TP4 Development of the PICO ice shelf cavity model into a "pop-up" model for use in transient glacial simulations)
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