PIK scientists at the Chaos Communication Congress 34C3

29/12/2017 - For four days between Christmas and New Year´s, thousands of hackers, experts and artists meet every year to exchange news and views and learn about new technological developments and tools. The 34th Chaos Communication Congress (34C3) takes place in Leipzig this year, the organizers expect more than 13.000 participants. Science is represented as well, this year also by experts of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) - climate change is one of this year´s main themes.
PIK scientists at the Chaos Communication Congress 34C3

Four PIK scientists contribute to the conference with talks and presentations in the science track. Robert Gieseke and Sven Willner will introduce climate science and solutions with a "Hacker´s guide to climate change". Benjamin Bodirsky shows how agriculture, land use and diets are linked and what methods climate researchers use to develop projections for the future. Jonathan Donges talks about the challenge of integrating social-technological dynamics into Earth system analysis to gain robust scenarios for the future of the planet.

The Chaos Communication Congress is organized by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC), Europe´s biggest association of hackers. CCC contains a number of decentralized chapters and groups and is very active in the fields of information technology, networks, IT security, the maker scene and more generally the critical yet creative use of technology and its impacts on society.

PIK at 34C3:

A hacker's guide to Climate Change - What do we know and how do we know it?

Simulating the future of the global agro-food system

Closing the loop: Reconnecting social-technologial dynamics to Earth System science

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