Schellnhuber is spokesman of the group for the duration of three years, and may serve one more term. The topic groups will consist of six to ten members of the Leopoldina or experts from other organizations. Their work will focus on specific issues, which they will choose themselves, and on advising policymakers and the public.
The topic groups will follow up on socially relevant topics on a national and an international level and provide advice or suggest to instate working groups. By bringing together scientists from various areas of research, the topic groups will also strengthen the interdisciplinary work of the academy.
The German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina is the world’s oldest academy involved in natural sciences. It was founded in 1652 in the Free Imperial City of Schweinfurt. It has been established in Halle on the Saale river in 1878. The Leopoldina was appointed Germany's National Academy of Sciences in July 2008. Scientists are elected members who represent subject areas corresponding to the Leopoldina’s section structure and who have distinguished themselves by demonstrating academic excellence.