PIKee/PIKeeBB projects

Environmental education at PIK

The Potsdam-Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) is predestined to provide its scientific expertise for education for sustainable development. In particular, the interdisciplinary nature of research, but also the relationship between global and local climate impacts, offer a rich and accurate range of topics for the implementation of environmental education in schools and vocational schools.

The web-portal KlimafolgenOnline-Bildung.de 

The educational web-portal KlimafolgenOnline-Bildung.de was developed during the PIKee-project to provide an interdisciplinary offer to help to reach the defined goals of education for sustainable development. For the operation of the portal a tutorial and various handouts are available.
The link opens the web-portal KlimafolgenOnline-Bildung.de

For vocational training the PIKeeBB-project

The current PIKeeBB-project has the aim to make the topics of climate change and climate change adaption accessible for vocational schools. For this purpose the educational web-portal KlimafolgenOnline-Bildung.de must be further developed for the use in vocational training. Dialogue and close collaboration with teachers are crucial in this process. The material enables trainees to understand concrete changes in their everyday personal and work life caused by the consequences of climate change and to therefore develop adaptation measures for their professional fields. The plan is the development and testing of eight modules on climate change and climate adaptation, as well as corresponding handouts and background information for the different occupations is planned. The PIKeeBB-project is an initial project in vocational training in Germany.
Find more information here.

Project period  PIKeeBB: September 2017 bis Februar 2020

Funded by BMUB

For education in school the PIKee-project

In the course of the project, 16 interdisciplinary teaching units, a tutorial, background information, handouts and worksheets were created contextually for the illustration of the climate change consequences shown in the web-portal KlimafolgenOnline-Bildung.de. They serve to explain the complex relationships of climate change and its consequences. By presenting the data for the sectors climate, agriculture, forestry, water, energy, tourism and health on county level, concrete impacts on the ecosystem can be understood and causes as well as effects recognized.
Find more information here.

Project period PIKee: September 2013 to February 2017
Funded by DBU


Information for teachers
Overview to all units
Complete list with all available teaching units
As the projects were successfully completed in February 2020, no newsletter will be created anymore.
Contact: Ylva Hauf

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