Young Researchers Prize of Brandenburg 2009 goes to PIK scientist Malte Meinshausen

10/30/2009 - PIK scientist Malte Meinshausen has been awarded the Young Researchers Prize 2009 by the Brandenburg Ministry of Science in Potsdam. The price recognizes outstanding scientific performances of young scientists in the German Province of Brandenburg. The team of researchers led by Meinshausen had quantified, for the first time, in a comprehensive manner the emissions reduction requirements for staying below 2°C with a certain probability.
Young Researchers Prize of Brandenburg 2009 goes to PIK scientist Malte Meinshausen

See release of the Brandenburg Ministry of Science on the award ceremony on 29th October 2009 (only on German):

Press release of the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research (PIK) on the study by Meinshausen et al. in "Nature" (April 2009):

More about the project PRIMAP (Potsdam Real-Time Integrated Model for probabilistic Assessment of emission Paths):

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