Publications: Sectors/Emissions

By year: [2011-2012] [2013-2014] [2015-2016] [2017-2018] [2019-2020] [2021-2022] [Books, Popular Science]
By topic: [Damages] [Development/SDGs] [Sectors/GHG] [Food/Sustainability] [Transitions] [Urban Systems] [Vulnerability/Impacts] [Misc.]

Journal Articles: Sectors/Emissions

bold: Contributions of group members

  1. Foong A, Pradhan P, Frör O, Kropp JP (2022): Adjusting agricultural emissions for trade matters for climate change mitigation. Nature Communications - in press, [DOI], [press release].
  2. Neupane, D., Kafle, S., Karki, K. R., Kim, D. H., & Pradhan, P. (2022). Solar and wind energy potential assessment at provincial level in Nepal: Geospatial and economic analysis. Renewable Energy, 181, 278-291, [DOI].
  3. Mehling, M., Pirlot, A., Pradhan, P., Aisbett, E., Böhringer, C., Asane-Otoo, E., ... & Ward, H. (2021). Close the carbon loophole. One Earth, 4(5), 587-590, [DOI].
  4. Ambrósio, G., Da Cunha, D. A., Pires, M. V., Costa, L., Faria, R. M., & Gurgel, A. C. (2021). Human Development, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sub-National Mitigation Burdens: A Brazilian Perspective. Discov Sustain 2, 35, [DOI].
  5. Reusswig F, Bock S, Schleer C and Lass W (2021) Effects of Voluntary and Involuntary Real Lab Situations on Personal Carbon Footprints of Private Households. Experiences From Germany. Front. Sustain. 2: 648433, [DOI].
  6. Zhou B, Thies S, Gudipudi R, Luedeke MKB, Kropp JP, Rybski D (2020): Gini approach to spatial CO2 emissions. Plos One, 15(11), e0242479, [DOI]
  7. Costa L, Moreau V (2019): The emission benefits of European Integration. Environmental Res. Lett. 14(8) 084044, [DOI].
  8. Ganzenmüller R, Pradhan P, and Kropp JP (2019): Sectoral performance analysis of national greenhouse gas emission inventories by means of neural networks, Science of the Total Environment, 656, 80–89 [DOI].
  9. Landholm D, Pradhan P, Wegmann P, Romero Sánchez M, Suárez Salazar JC, Kropp JP (2019):  Reducing deforestation and improving livestock productivity: GHG mitigation potential of silvopastoral systems in Caquetá. Environmental Res. Lett. 14(11): 114007, [DOI]. 
  10. Ribeiro HV, Rybski D, Kropp JP (2019): Effects of changing population or density on urban carbon dioxide emissions. Nature Communications, 10: 3204, [DOI].
  11. Gudipudi R, Rybski D, Kropp JP (2019): Urban emission scaling — Research insights and a way forward. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 46(9): 1678-1683 [DOI].
  12. Gudipudi, R., Rybski, D., Lüdeke, M.K.B., Zhou, B., Zhu, L. Kropp, J.P. (2019): The efficient, the intensive, and the productive: insights from the urban Kaya relation. Applied Energy, 236, 155-165, [DOI].
  13. Martellozzo F, Landholm DM, Holsten A (2019): Upscaling from the grassroots: potential aggregate carbon reduction from community-based initiatives in Europe, Regional Environmental Change, 19(4) 953–966, [DOI].
  14. Landholm DM, Holsten A, Martellozzo F, Reusser DE, Kropp JP (2019): Climate Change Mitigation Potential of Community-Based Initiatives, Regional Environmental Change, 19(4), 927–938, [DOI].
  15. Hic C, Pradhan P, Rybski D, Kropp JP (2016): Food surplus and its climate burden. Environmental Science and Technology, 50(8), 4269–4277, [DOI].
  16. Gudipudi R, Fluschnik T, Cantu Ros A, Walther C, Kropp JP (2016): City density and CO2 efficiency. Energy Policy, 91:352–361,  [DOI]
  17. Prajal P, Reusser D, Kropp JP (2013): Embodied greenhouse gas emissions in diets. PlosOne 8(5): e62228, [DOI].
  18. Costa L, Rybski D, Kropp JP (2011): A Human Development Framework for CO2 Reductions. PlosOne, 6(12) e29262, [DOI], [Suppl. Material].
  19. Olonscheck M, Holsten A, Kropp JP (2011): Heating and cooling energy demand and emissions of the German residential building stock under climate change. Energy Policy 39(9): 4795-4806, [DOI].

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