Scientists can be listed in one or more fields of social and natural sciences. PIK is mostly listed in the interdisciplinary category “Cross-Field” as well as in “Environment and Ecology” and “Social Science”. This ranking reflects the high scientific recognition PIK researchers have received in their respective fields. These PIK scientists belong to the top 1 percent of “Highly Cited Researchers” worldwide in 2023 (in alphabetical order by surname):
- Katja Frieler (Co-Chair Research Department "Transformation Pathways")
- Elmar Kriegler (Co-Chair Research Department "Transformation Pathways")
- Jürgen Kurths (Research Department “Complexity Science”)
- Hermann Lotze-Campen (Co-Chair Research Department "Climate Resilience")
- Gunnar Luderer (Research Department “Transformation Pathways”)
- Alexander Popp (Research Department "Transformation Pathways")
- Johan Rockström (Director)
- Hans Joachim Schellnhuber (Director Emeritus)
According to Clarivate Analytics, scientists from around the world can be selected for one or more of 21 fields. Their names are drawn from highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and publication year in the Web of Science citation index over the past decade. The ranking uses quantitative and qualitative methods to identify researchers who have made significant contributions to their research field(s).
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