Art and science met in „climate city“ Bremerhaven

06/17/2013 - For two weekends, climate was in the center of attention in Bremerhaven. The festival ODYSSEE: KLIMA of the city theater Bremerhaven presented a number of artists and scientists, among them some experts from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research to introduce their projects.
Art and science met in „climate city“ Bremerhaven

The festival examined the subject in an exchange between artists, scientists and visitors. Within the broad range of performances and talks, PIK-scientists presented different projects in a “climate tent city” in front of the theater. Thomas Kartschall gave visitors an introduction to the platform The website enables citizens and decision-makers to get information on climate impacts in different regions in Germany. Bernd Hezel presented the “Climate Media Factory” – scientifically accurate yet comprehensible and entertaining animations, documentaries and interactive web-products, developed by an interdisciplinary team of media professionals and climate scientists. Children who wanted to examine climate change by themselves could do so with the play “The little climate princess” by Eva Rahner and Jakob Runge.

The festival ODYSSEE: KLIMA, carried out under the artistic guidance of Natalie Driemeyer, was supported by the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Maritime Research, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the „climate city“ Bremerhaven, the environmental protection office of Bremerhaven, BIS, the Community Cinema Bremerhaven, “Forum Diskurs Dramaturgie” and the International Theatre Institute.


Weblink to the festival: