New hope for the climate: Edenhofer & Rockström on Biden US Presidency

01/26/2021 - The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) puts hope in the start of Joe Biden's presidency after climate topics have been rather neglected for the last four years of from US side. PIK Director Ottmar Edenhofer explores the concept of carbon pricing as a possible tool for the new US administration and Johan Rockström, Director of PIK along with Ottmar Edenhofer, signed a global ambition letter together with known CEO'S - from Amazon to Ford Motor Company - and world climate leaders, calling on US President Joe Biden to be the climate leader that science demands.
New hope for the climate: Edenhofer & Rockström on Biden US Presidency
Photo: Louis Velazquez / Unsplash

“What can the new administration do to keep Americans safe from climate risks? There’s in fact a whole toolbox to open – but some tools are more effective than others” writes Ottmar Edenhofer in an op-ed in ‘The Hill’, a known Washington D.C. news website. Besides welcoming the US re-joining the Paris Climate Agreement, Edenhofer proposes a national carbon dioxide pricing scheme and highlights it would be a non-partisan approach: “Putting a price on what destabilizes our climate, on carbon dioxide, really means taxing the bad instead of goods. Clean renewable energy becomes cheaper when emitting greenhouse gases — most notably carbon dioxide — becomes more expensive. It is a market-based solution.”

Johan Rockström joined a global ambition letter to President Biden signed by 153 CEO'S and world climate leaders. It was published in the New York Times and on the Climate Power Website. The letter encourages the Biden Presidency to act on climate change: “You can be remembered as the ‚climate president‘ who led humanity away from the cliff’s edge. You can transform the world’s energy systems from fossil fuels to clean energy, while also creating an abundance of jobs, reducing harmful pollution, and tackling economic, racial, and health inequality in the process.” The leaders acknowledge Biden’s commitment to approach the challenging climate crisis as an economic opportunity for innovation, job creation, new businesses: “Your commitment to build back better with clean energy jobs and tackling the legacy of environmental injustice is the consequential action that science and our future demands.”

Further Reading:

Link to 'The Hill' op-ed here
Link to global ambition letter here

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Phone: +49 331 288 25 07
Twitter: @PIK_Climate

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