Archive of Press Releases 2006

14 December 2006
Faster Sea Level Rise?

1 December 2006
Germany's hottest autumn

28 November 2006
Climate Change in Paradise

9. November 2006
Leading economists and WWF call for stronger EU Emissions Trading Scheme

PIK scientist Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer and Prof. Michael Grubb from the University of Cambridge handed over a WWF statement to the EU Commission in Brussels on the 9th of November, signed by more than fifty leading European economists and by EU Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas. The declaration emphasizes the importance of the European Emissions Trading Scheme in tackling climate change.

The press release of WWF can be found on

25 August 2006
Ice Age Climate Test Confirms Concerns about Future Warming

24 August 2006
International summer school on vulnerable ecosystems

20. Juli 2006
Schon wieder ein Jahrhundertsommer? [German Version only]

22 May 2006

Feedback between temperature and CO2 may enhance global warming beyond previous estimates

10 May 2006
A new numerical solver for ocean models leads to more reliable climate simulations

15 March 2006
Potsdam Conference on Costs and Strategies of Global Climate Protection

03. Februar 2006
Pressekonferenz "Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen" [German Version only]

30 January 2006
Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change

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