Here we provide the presentations given at the workshop:
David Bresch (ETH): "Economics of climate adaptation - strengthening societal resilience by application of a distributionally aware cost/benefit approach"
Lucas Chancel (World Inequality Lab, PSE): "Integrating research on climate change and global inequality: issues and ways forward"
Francis Dennig (Yale-NUS): "The carbon prices and non-climate goals in models with heterogeneous agents"
Johannes Emmerling (EIEE): "Climate Change and Inequality - the role of mitigation and adaptation"
Stephane Hallegatte (World Bank) - Keynote: "Climate Change and Development"
Tom Kompas (University of Melbourne): "Economic damages, country inequality and the cost of emissions reduction in a large-dimensional global trade and climate model"
Elmar Kriegler & Franziska Piontek (PIK): "Welcome & Introduction"
Francesco Lamperti (University of Pisa & CMCC): "From micro to macro damages: climate impacts in agent-based economic models"
Giovanni Melina (IMF): "Macroeconomic outcomes in disaster-prone countries"
Christian Otto & Franziska Piontek (PIK): "Integrating damages in IAMs: Persistencies and channels"
Narasimha Rao (Yale): "Incorporating poverty thresholds in climate change scenarios - implications for inequality"
James Rising (LSE): "Lives and livelihoods: empirical estimations of climate damages, adaptation, and inequality"
Björn Sörgel (PIK): "Towards a better representation of inequality and sustainable development in IAMs"
Zoi Vrontisi (E3Modeling): "Modeling macroeconomic trade-offs and co-benefits of mitigation pathways"