B-EPICC's Study Tour to IIT Roorkee, India

15-28/09/2022 - B-EPICC's agricultural expert Dr Stephanie Gleixner visited project partners and collaborators in India
B-EPICC's Study Tour to IIT Roorkee, India
© Ankit Agarwal - Ms Gleixner with Prof Roopam Shukla in front of the historic Director's Office on IIT Roorkee campus

In September 2022, B-EPICC agricultural researcher Dr Stephanie Gleixner travelled to India and met with researchers from TERI and IIT Roorkee. B-EPICC's project partners at TERI in Delhi organized a discussion of possible research trajectories in the project’s agricultural work with experts on sustainable development in Indian agriculture. At IIT Roorkee, Dr Gleixner was hosted by Prof Roopam Shukla at the Centre of Excellence in Disaster Mitigation and Management. The 12-day stay gave the opportunity to meet with numerous scientists and students of IIT Roorkee. In collaboration with the Co-PREPARE project (Collaborative Indo-German Project on Estimating and Predicting Natural Hazards in the Himalayan Region), B-EPICC and IIT researchers work together on mapping the risks and vulnerability of small-holder farmers in India to climate change and extremes. As IIT Roorkee is foremost a teaching institution, particular focus is put on the inclusion of students into the research.

More information on EPICC's activities in India:


B-EPICC Output:


For further information please contact:
B-EPICC Project Management
E-Mail: epicc[at]pik-potsdam.de


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