The following
is an incomplete list of interviews and instances where my
research was cited in the press.
2023(largely incomplete)
September 27, 2023, rbb24 Inforadio,
live radio interview on our just published planetary
boundaries update
September 16, 2023, rbb Radio Eiins,
live radio interview on our just published planetary
boundaries updatet
September 14, 2023, Deutschlandfunk,
Forschung aktuell, longer interview on our just published
planetary boundaries update
September 13, 2023, ABC Radio
Australia, Morning Show, live radio interview on our just
published planetary boundaries update
2022(largely incomplete)
January 17, 2022, Tagesspiegel
Newspaper in Berlin, "Kühlt Vulkanausbruch die
Erderwärmung?", report on the (lack of) climatic effects
from the large volcanic eruption in Tonga
January 17, 2922, "Spektrum" science
magazine online, "Stärkster Vulkanausbruch seit 30 Jahren",
report on the volcanic eruption in Tonga with quotes from my
twitter feed
Hessischer Rundfunk COP
Deutschlandfunk Nova
Antenne Brandenburg
(incomplete, many more)
March 3, 2021, Finnish Newspaper
Helsingin Sanomat, "Tapiolan kuoro sai tähtinäyttelijät
mukaan ilmastokriisistä kertovalle musiikkivideolle",
report with mention on a video production highlighting
climate and ecological change
March 9, 2021, Tagesspiegel
Background, "Wassermanagement entscheidend für
Energiepflanzen", report on the water needs of irrigation
for bioenergy production, with quotations
March 12, 2021, Herd und Hof
Verbrauchermagazin, "Der Weg zum globalen
Umweltrechtsstaat", report on the revised German
sustainability strategy, with quotations
April 25, 2021, Deutschlandfunk,
Information und Musik, "Hohe Ziele, doch zu spät? Zum
Internationalen Klimagipfel", 10-minute interview on new
movement in international climate politics and on tipping
points in the climate system
April 25, 2020, Deutschlandfunk, "Die
neue Klimadiplomatie der USA", with quotes on the climate
policy of China
May 5, 2021, German weekly news
magazine Der Spiegel, "Klimaschutz: Die Bundesregierung
drückt sich um die Zahlen", Interview on the German CO2
budget and climate policy.
May 5, 2021, public TV 3sat,
"Greenwashing durch Holzverbrennung?", includes an interview
on the insanity of co-firing woody biomass in coal plants
and other plants.
May 6, 2021, Die ZEIT online,
"Klimaschutzgesetz: Kann Deutschland so die neuen Klimaziele
erreichen", article on the revised German climate law with
May 9, 2021, Frankfurter Allgemeine
Sonntagszeitung, "Die Klimawahl. Union und SPD verschärfen
die Klimaziele, um die eigentlichen Fragen drücken sie sich
herum", with quotations and reference to our work on the
German CO2 budget
May 19. 2021, newspaper taz, "Gar
nichts ist okay, Boomer", with reference to our calculations
for a German CO2 budget
May 20, 2021, German radio SWR3, SWR
Aktuell, "Klimaziele von Paris: Ist Deutschland auf Kurs?",
interview of the revised German climate law and whether it
meets the obligations of the Paris climate agreement
[incomplete for 2021]
January 20, 2020, dpa audio,
interview on our new publication on social tipping points
January 20, 2020, radio audio,
interview on our new publication on social tipping points
January 20, 2020, BILD-Zeitung,
citations on our new publication on social tipping points
April 24, 2020, German Radio
Deutschlandfunk, "Informationen am Morgen", "Klimakrise vs
Coronakrise - Der Klimawandel macht keine Pause“. live
interview on the climate crisis in times of the corona virus
May 14, 2020, taz newspaper,
"Gutachten der Öko-Weisen: Blick nach vorn im Zorn", about
SRU's new environmental report and the national CO2 budget
May 14, 2020 ZEIT Online,
"Klimawandel: Experten fordern Pkw-Maut und höhere
Parkgebühren für Anwohner", about SRU's new environmental
report and the national CO2 budget
May 14, 2020, Handelsblatt, "Diesen
Herausforderungen müssen sich Politik, Wirtschaft und
Gesellschaft stellen", about SRU's new environmental
report and the national CO2 budget
May 14, 2020, Tagesspiegel, "Mieses
Klimazeugnis für die Bundesregierung: Regierungsberater
empfehlen Pkw-Maut und teureres Anwohner-Parken", about SRU's new environmental report and the
national CO2 budget
May 14, 2020, klimareporter,
"Abschlussgutachten zur Umweltpolitik: Politik am
CO2-Limit", about
SRU's new environmental report and the national CO2 budget
May 14, 2020, clean energy wire,
"Government advisors say Germany should base climate policy
on CO2 budget", about
the national CO2 budget
May 14, afp news, "Umweltrat drängt
Bundesregierung zu ökologisch ausgerichtetem
Konjunkturprogramm", about SRU's new environmental report and the
national CO2 budget
May 14, 2020, SWR aktuell, "Umweltrat
fordert schnelleren Klimaschutz", about SRU's new environmental report and the
national CO2 budget
May 14, 2020, WWF, "Rückenwind für
den Umweltschutz: WWF begrüßt Forderungen des
Sachverständigenrats für Umweltfragen", about SRU's new environmental report and the
national CO2 budget
May 15, 2020, Deutsche Welle,
"Klimaschutz: Deutschland bis 2038 klimaneutral?", about the
national CO2 budget
May 15, 2020, euractive, "Germany
must become climate-neutral by 2038, says government
advisory council", about
the national CO2 budget
May 18, 2020, topAgrar, "Wege für
mehr Klimaschutz: Sachverständige fordern Wärmewende und
nationales CO₂-Budget", about the national CO2 budget
May 18, 2020, Spiegel Online, "Eine
unbequeme Wahrheit. Unionsfraktion kontert Umweltgutachten",
SRU's new environmental report and the national CO2 budget
May 26, 2020, ZDF German public TV, "
Klimaziele - Experten: Deutschland muss nachbessern", about
the national CO2 budget
May 26, 2020, frontal21, German TV
ZDF, "CO2-Ziele höchst unzureichend - Emissionen müssen
schneller sinken", TV report with interview on the national
CO2 budget
June 12 18, 2020, topAgrar, "Schulze
beruft neuen Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen", about appointment to the government's
Advisory Board on the Environment for 4 more years
August 5, 2020, Tagesspiegel
Background Portrait "Wolfgang Lucht", a dedicated article
about my career, research and personal interests
August 21,2020, Deutschlandfunk
"Lebenszeit", "In Corona-Zeiten vernachlässigt – Was wurde
aus der Klimadebatte?", 90 minute live studio with callers
on the climate crisis
September 18, 2020, taz newspaper, "
Bundestag debattiert über Nachhaltigkeit: Zahnloser Tiger",
report on a joint statement by environmental councils on an
update of the German sustainability startegy, with citations
September 21, 2020, Das Parlament
newspaper, "Wetterbericht aus dem Statistischen Bundesamt",
report on failures and successes of the German
sustainability strategy, with reference to a press statement
I gave
September 25, 2020, Märkische
Allgemeine newspaper, "Potsdam:
Klima-Kundgebung mit 1000 Teilnehmern", report on
Fridays for Future climate protests in Potsdam with
reference to the speech I gave
24, 2020, Protestant Church of Berlin Brandenburg
campaign ""Schöpfung bewahren – JETZT", statement on
safeguarding the biosphere as a challenge to humanity
10, 2020, Deutschlandfunk "Echtzeit", "Schlamm
oder Wüste – Landschaften im Klimawandel", conversation
on climate change and its consequences.
March 15, 2019, Märkische Allgemeine,
"„Es ist schade, dass Menschen unser Anliegen nicht
verstehen“, quotation concerning "Scientists for Future" in
support of climate protests "Fridays for future"
March 16, 2019, German TV2 ZDF
children's channel kika news logo!, statement on "Scientists
for Future" in support of climate protests "Fridays for
March 21, 2019, Euractive Germany,
„Wir sehen bereits heute die ersten Anzeichen der drohenden
Umweltkrise“, long interview on student protests for climate
protection, scientist's support of these protests and
climate policy
April 8, 2019, Euractive Germany,
"Deutsche Schüler präsentieren Klimaforderungen an
Bundesregierung", report on the demands made by the student
protest movement for climate protection, with quotes
concerning the supporting initiative Scientists4Future
April 9, 2019, rbb television, "Talk
aus Berlin" with Jörg Thadeusz, one-on-one half-hour
talk and discussion show, on student climate protests,
climate change and the future;
May 3, 2019,Bayrischer Rundfunk
Nachrichten, "Alte Liebe, neue Sorgen: DAV fordert mehr
Schutz für die Alpen", with statement on climate and
ecosystem change in the Alps
May 3, 2019, Schwäbische, "Welche
Folgen der Klimawandel im Alpenraum für die Bevölkerung
hat", with statement on climate and ecosystem change in the
May 3, 2019, Weatherchannel,
""Fieberthermometer": Blick in die Alpen zeigt, wie ernst es
um den Planeten steht"", with statement on climate and
ecosystem change in the Alps
May 4, 2019 Schwäbische, "Die
Alpen – das „Fieberthermometer der Erde“, with
statement on climate and ecosystem change in the Alps
May 5, 2019, Tegernseestimme,
"Deutscher Alpenverein feiert 150.
Geburtstag.Naturschutzorganisation oder „Alpen-ADAC“?, with
statement on climate and ecosystem change in the Alps
May 5, 2019, Forschung & Lehre,
"Die Alpen als "Thermometer der Erde", with statement on
climate and ecosystem change in the Alps
May 13, 2019, New Straights Time,
Malaysia, "415.26 parts per million: CO2 levels hit
historic high", with citations on the new record-high
atmospheric CO2 concentration
May 13, 2019, Ilkka,Finland,
"Tutkijat mittasivat Havaijilla ennätysmäärän hiilidioksidia
– "Emme ole ollenkaan oikeilla raiteilla
ilmastonsuojelussa", with citations on the new record-high
atmospheric CO2 concentration
May 13, 2019, yahoo news online,
"415.26 parts per million: CO2 levels hit historic high",
with citations on the new record-high atmospheric CO2
May 14, 2019, Der Spiegel Online,
"CO2-Gehalt der Atmosphäre erreicht neuen Höchststand", with
citations on the new record-high atmospheric CO2
May 14, 2019, Der Standard, Austria,
"CO2-Konzentration erreicht Werte wie vor drei Millionen
Jahren, with citations on the new record-high atmospheric
CO2 concentration
May 14, 2019, The Daily Observer,
USA, "415.26 parts per million: CO2 levels hit historic
high", with citations on the new record-high atmospheric CO2
May 14, 2019, Vietnam Investment
Review, "CO2 levels hit historic high", with citations on
the new record-high atmospheric CO2 concentration
June 3, 2019,RTL Nachrichten, "Merkel
bei Treffen der Unionsfraktionschefs erwartet", Report on my
participation as an expert at the annual conference of the
CDU/CSU parliamentary groups
June 3, 2019, t-online Nachrichten,
"Merkel bei Treffen der Unionsfraktionschefs erwartet",
Report on my participation as an expert at the annual
conference of the CDU/CSU parliamentary groups
June 3, 2019, focus online,
"CDU-Fraktionschefs erarbeiten neues Klimakonzept", Report
on my participation as an expert at the annual conference of
the CDU/CSU parliamentary groups
August 25, 2019, hr1 radio, "hr1 am
Sonntagmorgen", Interview on the importance of "now" in
combatting climate changekinokino
September 17, 2019, rbb
Berlin-Brandenburg TV "rbb Abendschau", interview commenting
on the upcoming decision on a German climate strategy
September 23, 2019, Plus3, Supplement
to Süddeutsche Zeitung, "Zivilisiert euch", short essay on
the Anthropocene and the global environmental crisis
September 26, 2019, ARD "Konkret",
in-depth interview of Germany's carbon budget and the
failures of the government's recently announced climate
November 1, 2019, rbb Rundfunk
Berlin-Brandenburg, "Potsdamer Klimaexperte warnt vor
"komplett anderer Erde", reporting on my speech given on
reformation day for the protestant church of Hessen-Nassau
containing a call to wake up and to take reformation to
November 1, 2019, Rhein-Zeitung, "
EKHN zur Klimakrise: Umweltexperte fordert neue
Reformation", reporting on my speech given on reformation
day for the protestant church of Hessen-Nassau containing a
call to wake up and to take reformation to transformation
November 1, 2019,, "Predigt
zum Reformationstag: Evangelische Kirche will sich „weiter
politisch einmischen“", reporting on my speech given on
reformation day for the protestant church of Hessen-Nassau
containing a call to wake up and to take reformation to
November 1, 2019, idea newspaper,
"Klimawandel im Zentrum der Reformationsfeier", reporting on
my speech given on reformation day for the protestant church
of Hessen-Nassau containing a call to wake up and to take
reformation to transformation
November 2, 2019, Wiesbadener Kurier,
"Der Klimaforscher Wolfgang Lucht ruft bei der
Reformationsfeier in Wiesbaden zu noch rascherem Handeln
auf", reporting on my speech given on reformation day for
the protestant church of Hessen-Nassau containing a call to
wake up and to take reformation to transformation
November 2, 2019, Wiesbadener
Tagblatt, "Der Klimaforscher Wolfgang Lucht ruft bei der
Reformationsfeier in Wiesbaden zu noch rascherem Handeln
auf", reporting on my speech given on reformation day for
the protestant church of Hessen-Nassau containing a call to
wake up and to take reformation to transformation
November 3, 2019, Berliner
Morgenpost, "Klimawandel bedroht Menschheit: Klima-Notfall
ausgerufen", containing reference to a speech I gave on the
dangers of climate change
November 27, 2019, Märkische
Allgemeine newspaper, "Klimaforscher im Gespräch Eine
Heißzeit für die Kornkammern Mittelmarks steht bevor",
report on a public lecture and discussion I gave on climate
change, climate policies and environmental protection at
Kloster Lehnin
January 9, 2018, "Why ‘sustainable
forest management’ does not make wood a good climate
alternative to fossil fuels", opinion piece by Tim
Searchinger and Wolfgang Lucht, on regarding
the upcoming new EU directive on renewable energies
January 24, 2018, Potsdamer Neueste
Nachrichten, "Nicht alles auf die grüne Karte setzen",
article on our research on the incomptability of extensive
biomass-based CO2 extractions from the atmosphere with
maintaining planetary boundaries
March 10, 2018, Deutlandfunk Kultur,
"Echtzeit - Ton, Staub und Schlamm - Klimawandel", Interview
on the conseaquences of devastating climate change
March 10, 2018, arte TV, film
"Saubere Kohle? Die Energie-Falle", interview segments in a
55 min-long film on the illusion of "clean coal"
March 29, 2018, Schweizer Radio
Fernsehen, SRF re-broadcast of arte TV, film "Saubere Kohle?
Die Energie-Falle", interview segments in a 55 min-long film
on the illusion of "clean coal"
April 30, 2018, Bavarian public radio
BR2, "radioWelt", interview on the upcoming preparatory
climate conference in Bonn on where we stand in climate
August 2, 2018, Die Welt newspaper,
"Pflanzen erobern durch Klimawandel Berggipfel", comments on
a study revealing climate change impacts on plant
composition on European mountain tops
August 2, 2018, Saarbrücker Zeitung,
"Was der Klimawandel mit unserer Erde macht", comments on a study revealing
climate change impacts on plant composition on European
mountain tops
August 2, 2018, heute, "Beim
Wandern den Klimawandel erleben", comments on a study revealing climate change
impacts on plant composition on European mountain tops
August 2, ZEIT online, "Pflanzen
erobern durch Klimawandel Berggipfel", comments on a study revealing climate
change impacts on plant composition on European mountain
August 2, Süddeutsche Zeitung online,
"Pflanzen erobern durch Klimawandel Berggipfel", comments on a study revealing climate
change impacts on plant composition on European mountain
August 2, Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz,
"Pflanzen erobern durch Klimawandel Berggipfel", comments on a study revealing climate
change impacts on plant composition on European mountain
August 13, Die WELT, "Grüne
Gipfelstürmer", comments on ecological stabiliy and climate
change in connection with plant species change on mountains
September 25, 2018, Die WELT, "Auf
dem Holzweg", article on our publication in Nature
Communications on problems with biomass regulation in the
EUs new directive on renewable energies
November 29, 2018, Deutschlandfunk
Kultur, Zeitfragen, Das Feature: Das Dilemma der
Klimaforscher. Wie politisch darf Wissenschaft sein?", half
hour-long feature with several interview passages on climate
science and political responsibility
December 3, 2018, rbb Kulturradio,
Kulturradio am Vormittag, "Klimakonferenz in Katowice - was
nützt sie?", Interview on the agenda of the international
climate conference beginning in Katowice
December 3, 2018, rbb radioens,
"UN-Klimakonferenz in Katowice", Interview on the agenda of
the international climate conference beginning in Katowice
December 6, 2018, WDR 3 radio, Kultur
am Mittag, interview on public perceptions and the supposed
politisation of climate science
December 6,2018, taz newspaper,
"Allheilmittel für Böden und Klima? Pflanzenkohle als
Retter", report on our research on biomass pyrolysis as a
potential measure of sequester carbon in soils
December 13, 2018, rbb Kulturradio,
"Radiophilosophen", hour-long talk radio on climate change
and climate action, recording of a public talk event
January 3, 2017, Alaska Public Radio
Network, talk show "Talk of Alaska" with Steven Heimel,
hour-long call-in radio talk show on climate change, Arctic
change and challenges
January 25, 2017, Potsdamer Neueste
Nachrichten, "Potsdamer Klimaforscher fordern raschen
Kohleausstieg", report on the Symposium of the Earth League
in Potsdam with reference to statements made
January 25, 2017, Potsdamer Neueste
Nachrichten, "Kein Grund zur Entwarnng", full-page interview
covering climate change, national environmental policy and
possible responses
March 28, 2017, Der Tagesspiegel,
"Für die Wissenschaft marschieren.Beim March for Science
wird Forschung gegen Populismus und Fälschungen verteidigt –
auch in Berlin", several quotations on an upcoming
pro-science demonstration in Berlin to counter false
statements i.a. on climate change
March 28, 2017, Potsdamer Neueste
Nachrichten, "Für die Wissenschaft marschieren.Beim March
for Science wird Forschung gegen Populismus und Fälschungen
verteidigt – auch in Berlin", several quotations on an
upcoming pro-science demonstration in Berlin to counter
false statements i.a. on climate change
March 28, 2017, German radio channel
Radio eins, live interview on the negative effects on
climate of the policies of the new US administration
March 29, 2017, Deutschlandradio
Kultur, live interview on the negative effects on climate of the
policies of the new US administration
April 12, 2017, youtube channel
"adelphi, Berlin", "Wolfgang Lucht on the Planetary
Boundaries Conference", a video statement on the
international conference "Making Planetary Boundaries work"
April 19, 2017, Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten,"Die Erde ist noch viel
komplizierter", interview on climate change and a large
research tower in Brazil
April 21, 2017, ARD Mittagsmagazin,
Interview about the March for Science, the role of science
in society and the upcoming planetary boundaries conference
April 23, 2017, rbb Inforadio,
WissensWerte, "Von
der Freiheit eines Forschermenschen", 15-minute interview about the freedom
of science and the role of science in society
April 24, 2017, Deutschlandfunk,
"Umwelt und Verbraucher", "Wie viel Belastung kann die Erde
aushalten?", interview on the concept of planetary
April 26, 2017, Hessischer Rundfunk
Fernsehen, "alles wissen", "Am Limit: Belastungsgrenzen der
Erde überschritten", a 6:30 long film with a sequence of
interview passages on planetary boundaries
May 18, 2017, Reuters news agency
report, "Reversing climate change with carbon-sucking
plantations not realistic, scientists warn", about the
limits of terrestrial carbon extraction through biomass
May 18, 2017, Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation News, "Reversing climate change with
carbon-sucking plantations not realistic, scientists warn",
about the limits of terrestrial carbon extraction through
biomass plantations
May 18, 2017, Polish TV Discovery
Channel / World Wildlife Fund feature-length cocumentary
film "Punkt Krytyczny. Energia odNowa" on climate change and
renewable energy, with several key interview passages
May 20, 2017, Outlook India,
"Planting trees no substitute to cutting CO2 emissions:
study", about
the limits of terrestrial carbon extraction through biomass
May 31, 2017, Radio NDR Info, " "Der
Rest der Welt muss ohne die USA handeln" , interview on the
stance of the US on climate policies and a potential US exit
from the Pars climate agreement
May 31, 2017, Radio HR2 "Der Tag",
live interview on
the stance of the US on climate policies and a potential US
exit from the Pars climate agreement
May 31, 2017, Radio Deutschlandfunk
"Das war der Tag", ""Wissenschaftsleugnende Machtpolitik mit
sehr kurzfristigen Ergebnissen", interview on the stance of the US on
climate policies and a potential US exit from the Pars
climate agreement
June 1, 2017, Radio SWR Aktuell, interview on the stance of the US on
climate policies and a potential US exit from the Pars
climate agreement
June 1, 2017. DLF24, "USA kündigen
Weltklima-Abkommen,Trump will neu verhandeln", news article
with quotations on the US leaving the Paris climate
June 2, 2017, Radio BBC Worldservice
"Newsday" programme, interview on the consequences of the US exit from
the Paris climate agreement
June 2, 2017, Radio NDR1 Niedersachen
morning news, interview
on the consequences of the US exit from the Paris climate
June 2, 2017 Radio NDR 90,3 Hamburg,
interview on the consequences of the
US exit from the Paris climate agreement
June 21, 2017, Bulgarian National
Radio, interview on the US exit from the Paris climate agreement
July 19, 2017, Polish TV Discovery
Channel and youtube film "The Tipping Point, Renewable
Energy" of the Polish National Energy Conservation Agency
with WWF Poland Foundation, with several interview sections
October 1, 2017, Deutsche Welle
Radio, "Deutschland und der Kohleausstieg", report with
quotation on the new report of the Advisory Council on the
Environment (SRU) on phasing-out of coal
December 14, 2017, "EU must not burn
the world's forests for 'renewable' energy", opinion piece
by a number authors including myself on the upcoming new
directive on renewable energies of the EU
January 9, 2016, tagesschau24 channel
of German TV channel ARD, "Das Gespräch", 28-minute TV
interview with Ulrich Timm on climate change and looking
back on COP21
January 20, 2016, ZEIT
online, "2015 mit Abstand heißestes Jahr seit
Aufzeichnungsbeginn", with quotations on the implications
January 20, 2016, German TV2 channel, "Offiziell:
So heiß wie 2015 war es noch nie", with quotations on the implications
January 20, 2016, DW Deutsche Welle, "2015 knackt
Temperaturrekord", with quotations on the implications
20, 2016,Handelsblatt, "Warm,
wärmer, 2015",
with quotations on the implications
January 20, 2016, Kurier (Austria),
"2015 war das heißeste Jahr", with quotations on the implications
20, 2016,Wolfsburger
Allgemeine, "2015 knackt Klimarekord", with quotations on the implications
January 20, 2016,Oberhessische Presse, "2015 knackt
with quotations on the implications
January 21, 2016, Süddeutsche
Zeitung, "2015 bricht Wärmerekord", with quotations on the implications
January 21, 2016, Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten, "PIK: Hitze
durch Klimawandel", with quotations on the implications
January 21, 2016, Passauer Neue Presse, "US-Behörde: 2015
knackt alle Klimarekorde", with
quotations on the implications
January 31, 2016, "Vertagen und
Wegsehen gehen zu Ende: Zum Vertrag von Paris und der Rolle
der Kirchen", contribution to: "Nachrichten der
Evangelischen Landeskirche Bayern", 1/16, on climate change
and the role of the churches
May 26,2016, "Erster G7-Gipfel seit
Elmau. Merkel in Japan unterwegs für den Klimaschutz",
interview citations in a report about the G7 summit in Japan
as related to climate policies
August 10, 2016, N24 Online, "Der Klimawandel ist nicht das größte Problem", quotations
on the relationship of land use change and climate change on
species diversity
August 10, 2016, Hamburger
Abendblatt, "'Alte Feinde' bedrohen Artenvielfalt stärker
als Klimawandel", quotations
on the relationship of land use change and climate change on
species diversity
August 10, 2016, Frankfurter
Rundschau Online, "'Alte Feinde' bedrohen Artenvielfalt
stärker als Klimawandel", quotations on the relationship of land use
change and climate change on species diversity
August 10, 2016, Handelsblatt, "'Alte
Feinde' bedrohen Artenvielfalt stärker als Klimawandel", quotations on the relationship of land use
change and climate change on species diversity
August 10, 2016, Märkische
Allgemeine, "'Alte Feinde' bedrohen Artenvielfalt stärker
als Klimawandel", quotations
on the relationship of land use change and climate change on
species diversity
August 10, 2016, Austrian radio ORF
online, "'Alte Feinde' schlimmer als Klimawandel", quotations
on the relationship of land use change and climate change on
species diversity
August 11, 2016, Spiegel Online, "
Klimawandel: Was die Artenvielfalt wirklich bedroht",
quotations on the relationship of land use change and
climate change on species diversity
August 12, 2016, Weserkurier, "Was
Arten bedroht",
quotations on the relationship of land use change and
climate change on species diversity
October 5, 2016, Potsdamer Neueste
Nachrichten, quotations in a report on the ratification of
the Paris climate agreement
October 8,2016, Inforadio Radio
Berlin-Brandenburg rbb, "Treffpunkt Wissenswerte: Am Anfang
war das Nichts!?", 40 minutes long discussion of matters of
science and religion, knowledge and faith with 2
co-discussants, moderated by Thomas Prinzler
November 2, 2016, Nordwestradio Radio
Bremen, live interview on the status of German climate
protection policies and the upcoming climate negotiations at
November 2, 2016, German press agency
dpa, "Deutschlands Klimaziel 2020 - Ist das noch zu
schaffen?", report with a statement on the German decarbonisation process
November 3, 2016, German Radio
Deutschlandfunk, live interview on the status of German
climate protection policies and the upcoming climate
negotiations at Marrakesh
November 3, 2016, 3Sat nano online
news, " Konferenz ohne Plan: Die Kabinettsentscheidung über
den Klimaschutzplan wurde verschoben", article with
statement on the German decarbonisation process
November 15, 2016,
Rhein-Neckar--Zeitung, "Die Erde ist noch komplizierter, als
vielen bewusst ist", interview on climate change and a large research
tower in Brazil
November 16, 2016, Berliner Zeitung,
"Die Erde ist komplizierter, als vielen bewusst ist",
interview on climate change and a large research tower in
November 17, 2016, Schwäbische
Zeitung, "Die Erde ist komplizierter, als viele denken", interview on climate change and a
large research tower in Brazil
November 21, 2016, Radio Eins (rbb),
"Nach UN-Klimagipfel: Klimaforscher fordert Kohle-Ausstieg
bis 2030", interview on the outcome of the climate
negotiations in Marrakesh and coal in the state of
December 23, 2016, Frankfurter
Rundschau, "Klimawandel: Kein Festessen für Rudolph",
article with several citations on climate change in the
Arctic North and its effects on reindeer populations
December 28, 2016, RTL TV channel,
"RTL Aktuell" newscast, filmed interview quotations
concerning environmental issues of 2016
January 16, 2015, Frankfurter
Allgemeine online, "Katastrophenwerte und Algenpest", on
planetary boundaries research
January 21, 2015, taz "die
tageszeitung" Berlin newspaper, "Wahre Grenzen des Wachstums", on planetary
boundaries research
January 25, 2015, Inforadio Berlin,
15-minute interview on planetary boundaries and the state of
the planet
February 16, 2015, Radio BR2 in
Bavaria, "Radiowelt" morning rushhour news, 5-minute
interview marking 10 years of the Kyoto protocol
Februar 18, 2015, Märkische
Allgemeine newspaper Potsdam, "Warnruf aus Potsdam. Beim
Klima hat die Menschheit längst kritische Grenzen
überschritten", long article with many quotations on
planetary boundaries research
August 9, 2015, Tagesspiegel Berlin,
"Wälder trotzen der Wärme", with my comment on a study on forest floor
resilience to historical climate change
August 10, 2015, STERN Online,
"Europas Wälder trotzen der Erderwärmung - noch", with my comments on a study on forest
resilience to historical climate change
August 10, 2015, Hannover'sche
Allgemeine, "Wälder
trotzen dem Klimawandel", with my comments on a study on
forest resilience to historical climate change
August 11, 2015, FOCUS Online,
"Wälder trotzen dem Klimawandel", with my comments on a
study on forest resilience to historical climate
August 11, 2015, Süddeutsche Zeitung,
trotzen dem Klimawandel", with my comments on a study on
forest resilience to historical climate change
October 14,
2015, Tagesspiegel Berlin, special on "Humboldt University
2015", "In der Hitze der Stadt, Folgen des Klimawandels",
several long citations on climate change
19, 2015, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Temperaturrekord: Das wärmste
Jahr, citation on 2015 the warmest year on record
22, 2015, Inforadio Berlin-Brandenburg, 45-minute radio
discussion with GFZ director Hüttl, AWI director Lochte and
IASS director Lawrence about the Paris climate
26, Russian news agency Ria novosti, 12-minute
interview on the
upcoming climate change negotiations in Paris
27, 2015, Northern German radio NDR Info, Mittagsecho,
interview on the upcoming climate change negotiations in
27, 2015, Hessian radio HR2, interview
on the upcoming climate change negotiations in Paris
29, 2015, Deutschlandradio Kultur, radio broadcast on
climate change and religion
30, 2015, Southern German radio SDR4, interview
on the climate change negotiations in Paris
30, 2015, Eastern German radio Antenne Brandenburg, interview
on the climate change negotiations in Paris
4, 2015, Satirical magazine Titanic, "Klimaforscher
skeptisch", a satirical take on the
climate change negotiations in Paris with made-up quotes
5, 2015, German TV channel online, "Ernüchterung
statt Euphorie: Halbzeitbilanz der Weltklimakonferenz",
short citation commenting on the climate
change negotiations in Paris
7, 2015, German TV channel ZDF online, planet.e, "Ernüchterung
statt Euphorie: Halbzeitbilanz der Weltklimakonferenz",
longer citation commenting on
the climate change negotiations in
13, 2015, Western German Radio WDR 1LIVE, interview on the
outcome of the climate
change negotiations in Paris
15, 2015, Russian news agency Ria
novosti, interview on the
outcome of the climate change negotiations in Paris
(without date), Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung,
"Leben in Neuer Zeit? Die Idee vom Anthropozän", several
longer interview passages in a film about the
March 6,
2014, Radio Bayern 2 Radiowissen, "Das Anthropozän -
Zeitalter des Menschen", instructive broadcast with recorded
segments on the Anthropocene and evolution
March 30, 2014, "Von der
Klimaforschung", 15 minute interview on climate and global
change by Thomas Prinzler, rbb inforadio
"Wissenswerte: Forschung im Gespräch"
September 5, 2014, Interview in tip
& Zitty Berlin magazine Special Issue Berlin Art/Kunst
on climate change and art
September 9, 2014, Deutschlandfunk
"Verbraucher und Umwelt", Live interview about new records
in atmospheric CO2 concentration
September 9, 2014, NDR Inforadio
4-minute interview about new records in atmospheric CO2
September 23, 2014, WDR 5 Radio,
interview on the UN climate summit
October 15, 2014, Zitty Berlin
magazine, "System Risiko", Interview on sustainability and
artists, and the Anthropocene Project in Haus der
Kulturen der Welt Berlin
November 4, 2014, Der Tagesspiegel
(Berlin), long quote in article "Verfehlt Deutschland sein
Klimaziel? Umweltministerin Hendricks fordert Vizekanzler
Gabriel heraus" on the relevance of long-term climate goals
and the dangers of failing them
November 14, 2014, interview segments
in Bayern 2 radio "IQ Wissenschaft und Forschung" on new
climate mitigation statements from the US and China
November 15, 2014, video interview
with "Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung" on the
Anthropocene and Planetary Boundaries
November 17, 2014, filming of an
interview sequence for a film on the Anthropocene, to appear
November 23, 2014, Long page 3
interview in Aachener Zeitung, "Umdie Welt, wie wir sie
kennen, zu erhalten", on climate change negotiations
January 1, 2013, Der Tagesspiegel
(Berlin), "Und der Mensch machte sich die Erde untertan" - a
summary of my position on the Anthropocene and the future
presented at an Anthropocene conference in Haus der Kulturen
der Welt - and an example of how a journalist can turn what
I really said into the opposite. The position attributed to
me in this article is not at all my position, on the
contrary. I wrote a reply in the comments section of the
online version.
May 8, 2013 Interview with radio
station Saarländischer Rundfunk SR1 by Joachim Meyer, "SR1
Zukunft: Weltklima 2053", on climate change in general
May 13, 2013, UnAufGefordert, student
newspaper at Humboldt University Berlin, "Mission Grün, Wie
die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin versucht, ihren
Fußabdruck zu optimieren", title story.
June 16, 2013, Publik-Forum,
"Klimawandel: Katastrophe und Chance?", an article with
quotes on climate change in general
June 17, 2013, Deutsche Welle,
"Wappnen gegen Klimakatastrophen", an article on the
consequences of climate change
October 4, 2013, Deutschlandfunk
radio, "Forschung Aktuell", " Böden, die das Klima
schützen?", citations related to a biochar conference in
November 12, 2013,
Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine, "Klimaforscher
im Interview: Wir werden in einer anderen Welt leben“,
interview on the COP 19 climate change negotiations in
November 19, 2013, Bayrischer
Rundfunk BR2 radio, "RadioWelt Magazin am Morgen", live
morning interview on the climate change negotiations in
November 22, 2013, Radio Bremen
Nordwestradio, "Nordwestradio Journal", "Weltklimakonferenz
im Chaos?", live interview on the climate change negotiations in Warsaw
November 22, 2013, German press
agency dpa Kindernachrichten (news for kids), news service
interview on climate change
November 23, 2013, WDR5 radio
"Mittagsecho", live
interview on the climate
change negotiations in Warsaw
January 7, 2012, Mitteldeutsche
Zeitung, "Das Ende der Zeit", quotes
in an article on the Maya calender
10. 2012, Wiener Zeitung, "Leben mit dem Klimawandel", an
article on future global changes in
the biosphere
February 21,
Augsburger Allgemeine, "Wie eine Decke um die Erde. Forscher
warnt in Montessorischule vor weiteren Folgen", an article
on two lectures on climate change given to ca. 60 pupils of
grades 7-10 at the Montessori School Inning near Munich and
7, 2012, Tagesspiegel Berlin, "Der Erde gerecht werden", a
self-authored article on sustainability and sustainability
8, 2012, Two interview statements on "Tagesschau" (12:00),
the major German news broadcast, on rising CO2 in the
23,2012, Nürnberger Nachrichten, "Bereits jetzt verbrauchen
wir mehr als nur einen Planeten", interview on
sustainability, a new Club of Rome report and the Rio-20 UN
tbd: Bayrischer Rundfunk, Interview on Anthropocene
November tbd, ORF Austrian National Radio, radio interview
on the next round of international climate change
negotiations in Doha
26, 2012, live interview of NDR Info Northern German Radio on the
next round of international climate change negotiations
in Doha
7, 2012, Augsburger Allgemeine, "Schlimmer als ein
Atomunfall. Der Klimaforscher Wolfgang Lucht warnt vor den
Folgen des Klimawandels", Interview on the occasion of the
latest round of international climate change negotiations in
16, 2012, Bavarian Radio BR2 "Zündfunk Generator",
"Endstation Klimawandel? Zögern, Zaudern, Hitzeschock", with
interview segments
11, 2011, Märkische Allgemeine
(Potsdam), "PIK ermittelt, wie der
Ackerbau für die Energiegewinnung wachsen müsste", article
on our new bioenergy potential assessment
11, 2011, Welt online, "Biomasse könnte Erwartungen
enttäuschen", article on our new bioenergy potential
11, 2011, Handelsblatt, "Regenerative Energien: Forscher
dämpfen Erwartung an Biomasse", article on our new bioenergy
potential assessment
11, 2011, dpa (German press agency) report on our new
bioenergy potential assessment picked up by about 75
regional newspapers throughout Germany
11, 2011, Süddeutsche Zeitung, "Erneuerbare Energie: Pack
den Einzeller in den Tank",
article also on our new bioenergy potential assessment
12, 2011, Märkische Allgemeine, "PIK ermittelt, wie der
Ackerbau für die Energiegewinnung wachsen müsste",
article also on our new bioenergy potential assessment
18, 2011, Barikad, Hungarian news site, "Túlértékeljük a
biomasszát?" on our bioenergy potential assessment
24, 2011, Tekniikka & Talous (Technology & Economy,
"Tätä ei halua kuullaa", editorial article on a talk I gave
on climate change and sustainability in Helsinki
31, 2011, Märkische Allgemeine (Potsdam), "Zukunftsland
punktet bei Exzellenzinitiative: Graduiertenschule zur
Landnutzung der Zukunft", article on our admittance to the
final selection round of the German Exzelleninitiative with
a proposal led by the Humboldt University Berlin with strong
contributions from PIK.
11, 2011, Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten, "Sensible Gebiete -
Potsdamer Klimaforscher warnen vor zu hohen Erwartungen an
das Potenzial von Energie aus Biomasse", article on our
research on global bioenergy potential and some consequences
17, 2011, "Arctic melts faster than IPCC's forecasts",
Online Report by Deutsche Welle with a citation concerning
arctic tipping points
25, 2011, TV interview with Deutsche Welle TV concerning the
topic of climate change impacts on human health
6, 2011, Kölner Stadtanzeiger, "Welche Länder werden
vertrocknen?", report on global climate change impacts on
the biosphere
11, 2011, longer interview on Deutschlandfunk with Peter
Kapern, "Atmosphäre wird von uns genutzt wie eine
Mülldeponie, Klimaforscher kritisiert Umgang mit
16, 2011, "Klima oder Katastrophe", contribution to a
supplement on energy of Süddeutschen Zeitung leading up
to the next round of climate negotiations
17, 2011, a longer article in Hamburger Ambendblatt "Der
Abschied von den Klimazielen", the
state of climate and climate impacts leading up to the next
round of climate negotiations, with several quotations
232, 2011. "Umweltexperten mahnen Fortschritte an", report
in "Handelsblatt" about a joint press
conference with the heads of UBA, WBGU und SRU, with quotes,
ahead of the next round in climate change negtotiations in
Durban, South Africa
24, 2011, "2020 schließt sich das Zeitfenster", an interview
in "Südwest Presse" ahead of the next round in climate
change negtotiations in Durban, South Africa
24, 2011, "Klimagipfel schon vor Beginn gescheitert?",
article with quotations in "Hamburger Abendblatt" on the
impacts of climate change ahead
of the next round in climate change negtotiations in Durban,
South Africa
26, 2011, two quotes in a report on Deutschlandfunk Radio's
"Hintergrund" analysis programme, "Klimagipfel in Südafrika:
Viele Antworten, aber die entscheidende Frage bleibt offen",
on the
next round in climate change negtotiations in Durban, South
28, 2011, Statement in the News of "Antenne Brandenburg"
radio station on the next round in climate
change negtotiations in Durban, South Africa
28, 2011, Interview Segment for "Forschung Aktuell" on
Deutschlandfunk radio on the
next round in climate change negtotiations in Durban, South
28, 2011, guest in a 90-Minute Discussion programme
"Redaktionskonferenz" on DRadio of Deutschlandfunk on the
next round in climate change negtotiations in Durban, South
5, 2011, "Zu wenig grün ist schlecht, zu viel auch, Der
Klimawandel könnte das Gesicht der Erde verändern", Kölner
Stadtanzeiger Magazin, an article on future
global changes in the biosphere
6, 2011, "Eine andere Welt", Frankfurter Rundschau, a long
article on future global changes in the biosphere
6, 2011, "Eine andere Welt, Potsdamer Forscher simulieren
die Folgen des Klimawandels für die Ökosysteme der Erde",
Berliner Zeitung, a long article on future global changes in
the biosphere
12, 2011, original quotation during an interview with Stefan
Rahmstorf, Deutschlandfunk on the climate
change negtotiations in Durban, South Africa
15, 2011, "Im Kern ist das Leben dennoch ein Wunder",
Interview/portrait in "zitty", the events magazine of
Tagesspiegel, Berlin, concerning science and faith
17, 2011, "2012 kommt das Ende der Zeit Die Wahrheit über
die Maya-Prophezeiung", quotes
in an article in Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, on the Maya
19, 2011, "Der Maya-Kalender endet im Jahr 2012", quotes
in an article in Hamburger Abendblatt, Hamburg, on the Maya
20, 2011, "Prophezeien die Maya wirklich den Weltuntergang
am 21. Dezember 2012? Das Ende der Zeitrechnung",
quotes in an article in Wiener Zeitung, Vienna, on the
Maya calender
27, 2011, "Nach dem Klimagipfel. Wälder ohne Wasser",
article in Der Tasgesspiegel, Berlin, on our research on
global biosphere change
6, 2010, a quote regarding a study published in Science on
the terrestrial CO2 balance in Süddeutsche Zeitung
31, 2010, long quotes in Spiegel Wissen 3/2010 "Alles
im Kopf: Was wir heute wissen müssen", article "Aus dem
Elfenbeinturm: Wer bei Themen wie dem Klimawandel mitreden
will, braucht naturwissen-schaftliche Grundkenntnisse.
Forscher erklären, was man wissen sollte."
11, 2010, TV channel Bayern alpha, alpha-Campus Studium
generale: "Earth System Engineering": video of a lecture I
gave in Munich on "Nachhaltigkeit im Globalen Wandel"
16, 2010, TV channel Bayern alpha, alpha-Campus Studium
generale: "Earth System Engineering": video of a lecture I
gave in Munich on "Nachhaltigkeit im Globalen Wandel"
24, 2010, press conference with the President of the Leibniz
Association, Karl Ulrich Mayer, on results of the Bioenergy
Planet project, Düsseldorf/Neuss, during the Annual Meeting
of the Association
17, 2010, PIK press release on the PIK Research Days 2010
with some quotes about future research directions
2, 2009, a report on the German adaptation strategy under
climate change, in Brandenburg's Maerkische Allgemeine
24, 2009, report on tropical deforestation, carbon balance
and sustainability in Deutsche Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung
2009, article by the Goethe Institute on tipping
elements in the Earth system
19, 2009, report in Humboldt Zeitung on the upcoming
inaugural lecture of Wolfgang Lucht as Chair of
Sustainability Science
14, 2009, article in Humboldt Zeitung on avoiding a
civilisation crisis, inaugural lecture of sustainability
science professorship
25, 2009, report in Klima Magazin on upcoming nobel
laureates conference in London with PIK contributions
27, 2009, report on sustainability science and the new
professorship in Berliner Zeitung
7, 2009, report on the new professorship in sustainability
science, "scientist of the week", Science City Adlershof
23, 2009, citations in an article on art and science in
Berlin's Der Tagesspiegel
2009, contribution to Klima Magazin on deforestation
worldwide (No. 04/09, p. 33)
2009, a very long article/interview/feature ranging from
climate change to sustainability in the widely read Finnish
monthly Voima
12, 2009, interview in Lübecker Nachrichten concerning
climate change and the sustainability challenge (page 3,
short version)
12, 2009, interview in Ostsee-Zeitung Rostock concerning
climate change and the sustainability challenge (page 3,
long version)
15, 2009, interview in Pressetext Austria on proposals to
reforest the Sahara desert
15, 2009, citation in Der Standard, Vienna, on proposals to
reforest the Sahara desert
23, 2009, quotations in Aachener Zeitung regarding measures
advised to the to-be-elected new German government
23, 2009, quotations in Nordsee-Zeitung
regarding measures advised to the to-be-elected new German
9, 2009, short piece in Hamburger Abendblatt concerning
increased agricultural yields due to better water management
12, 2009, statements cited in Spiegel Online concerning the
fraction of emitted carbon dioxide that remains airborne
5, 2009, double-page twin interview in Berliner Zeitung on
climate change and politics ahead of the Copenhagen
6, 2009, radio feature on Deutschlandfunk, Forschung
Aktuell, with several interview quotations on tipping points
15, 2009, article in Märkische Allgemeine on a science
briefing conducted for the heads of state of Pacific island
18, 2009, article in Frankfurter Neue Presse on the climate
negotiations in Copenhagen
18, 2009, article in Nürnberger Nachrichten on the climate
negotiations in Copenhagen
4, 2008, very long filmed (47 minutes) sit-down interview
with John Gibbons for an Irish climate change web site, on
climate change and sustainability
5, 2008, long interview on Irish radio RTE1 on the Today
show with Pat Kenny concerning climate change and tipping
points (very large file, mp3, 27 MB!)
6, 2008, report on tipping points, Pressetext Austria
8, 2008, Stuttgarter Zeitung, on tipping points in the
climate system.
3, 2008, German radio Deutschlandfunk, interview on the
international food price crisis (mp3)
18, 2008, regarding carbon cycle experiments in indoor
facilities, in ZEIT online.
26, 2008, Interview on WDR5 radio programme Leonardo
on atmospheric CO2 increase in 2007 (mp3)
26, 2008, Interview on NDR Inforadio radio programme on CO2
increase and IPCC projections.
26, 2008, report in Frankfurter Rundschau on CO2 increase in
1, 2008, long article in Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten on a
conference bringing together artists and climate
21, 2008, live radio interview on Berlin-Brandenburg
schöne Morgen" show) concerning climate change and the
financial crisis (mp3)
21, 2008, live interview with NordwestRadio Bremen concerning
climate change and the financial crisis
21, 2008, live interview with Radio Bayern 2 ("radiowelt
am Morgen") concerning climate change and the financial
21, 2008, interview with NDR Kulturradio concerning climate
change and sustainability
21, 2008, interview with InfoRadio Berlin-Brandenburg,
concerning climate change (mp3)
22, 2008, short contribution to a report in
Deutschlandfunk, Umwelt und Verbraucher, concerning
climate change
22, 2008, long interview in the Potsdamer Neueste
Nachrichten. "Allzu viel zeit bleibt nicht mehr", concerning
climate change and sustainability
22, 2008, article in the Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten
concerning the 3rd Potsdam Climate Conference
22, 2008, articile in the Berliner
Umschau concerning the 3rd
Potsdam Climate Conference
22, 2008, articile in the Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung
concerning the 3rd Potsdam Climate Conference
22, 2008, short citations in a report of Spiegel Online on
CO2 emissions from China
14, 2008, Science magazine scinexx with a citation on
species loss
30, 2007, Long interview with Mexican Press Agency Notimex
on IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report and Cimate Change, picked
up by several newspapers, for example Prensa Mexicana
1, 2007, Hamburger Abendblatt on the IPCC's Fourth
Assessment Report and Climate Change
6, 2007, Deutsche Welle English Service, Telephone interview
of the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report and Ecosystem Change
7, 2007, Berliner Zeitung, page 2 "Tagesthema", on the
IPCC's Fourth Assesment Report Working Group 2
7, 2007, Westdeutsche Zeitung, on the
IPCC's Fourth Assesment Report Working Group 2
3, 2007, Die Welt, on a paper we co-authored in PNAS on the
Global Human Appropriation of Plant Productivity
9, 2007, RBB Kulturradio, Interview on the Nobel Laureates
Symposium "Global Sustainability: A Nobel Cause" held in
23, 2007, Westgerman Radio WDR-5, Science programme
Leonardo, Interview on Rising Atmospheric CO2.
2006, Der
Norden ergrünt im Computer, in: "Die Erde im Treibhaus",
Spektrum der Wissenschaft Dossier 3/2006
21, 2006, FOCUS Title Story "Noch heißere Sommer ...", p.
60-74 (title story in a leading German news magazine, with
an illustration of biosphere change computed by LPJ, and
references in the text)
2006, Deutschlandfunk, "Lange Nacht des Klimas: Der große
Luftozean" (3-hour feature on climate and biosphere change,
with extensive interview on biosphere change)
21, 2005, press release of the German Climate Research
Programme on carbon cycle research in CVECA
20, 2005, Hamburger Abendblatt, on carbon emissions from soils
24, 2005: Der Spiegel, on carbon emissions from
11, 2005: Deutschlandfunk, on Climate change research in
9, 2005: Nature (News Feature on Siberia "That sinking
feeling", 435, 732-733, 2005
14, 2005: Münchner Merkur (and a number of other newspapers)
on CO2 and the Siberian taiga
15, 2005: Berliner Zeitung, on the Siberian carbon balance
18, 2005: Ostthüringer Zeitung, on the Siberia-II project
11, 2005: Hamburger Abendblatt, on Brazilian rainforest
2005: Tagesanzeiger, Switzerland, on Brazilian rainforest
16, 2005: PIK press release on my appointment to a research
25, 2005: Short notice on winning an interdisciplinarity price
and the appointment.
10, 2005: radio interview on northern latitude soil carbon
balances, SWR-2 "Campus".
March 16, 2004: Public TV station 3sat, nano Programme,
on boreal greening.
7, 2003: Süddeutsche Zeitung on boreal greening
2003, Spektrum der Wissenschaft on northern latitude greening
17, 2003: Süddeutsche Zeitung, on soil carbon emissions
30, 2002, Science, on boreal greening/Pinatubo Science
release PIK on boreal greening/Pinatubo Science paper
release Max-Planck Society on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
release Boston University on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
release NASA on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
release Lund University on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
release German Climate Research Programme on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
30-June 17, 2002, versions of German Press Agendy dpa news
story, on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper, printed in
most German newspapers
31, 2002, Spiegel Online, on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
31, 2002, Bild der Wissenschaft Online, on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
31, 2002 and June 3, 2002: Deutschlandradio, on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
31, 2002, Austrian Radio ORF, on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
1, 2002, Bavarian Radio BR, on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
1, 2002: Der Standard, Vienna, on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
2, 2002, Berliner Morgenpost, on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
4, 2002, Süddeutsche Zeitung, on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
4, 2002: Berliner Zeitung, on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
12, 2002: Newsweek International, on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
12, 2002, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
26, 2002, Der Tagesspiegel, on boreal
greening/Pinatubo Science paper
10, 2001, Short report in Earth Observation, Spiegel TV, VOX
instances, where my research was explicitly reviewed or
discussed in a scientific context are:
of the Earth System Analysis (MIT press, 2004) book,
including of my chapter, by Tyler
Volk, in BioSciences, 55,
1088-1090, 2005.
my Science paper (Science, 2002) and related disputes by
Vivek Arora, in IGBP Global Change newsletter, 54, 21-22,
of my doctoral student Birgit Schröder and our work, "Klima
auf Knopfdruck", National Geographic (Germany), p. 11, Nov.
And in popular science journals:
long interview is found in "Forum der Geoökologie" under the
title "Von der Physik zur Geoökologie" ("From physics to
geoecology"), the interviewer is Niklas Hartmann, Forum
Geoökologie 17, 47-50, 2006.
Lucht, W.,
Der Norden ergrünt im Computer, in: "Die Erde im Treibhaus",
Spektrum der Wissenschaft Dossier 3/2006, 68-70, 2006.
Lucht, W.,
Der Norden ergrünt im Computer, Spektrum der Wissenschaft,
2/03, 8-10, 2003.