
Output/model results file interfaces.

All defined classes are attached to project and run instances as propertyplugin that return a pandas.DataFrame. For files to be read from the SWIM project, a from_project method needs to be defined. To read the data from a run instance, a method refering to the extension of a file saved as run file needs to be defined (e.g. from_csv) or from_run to overwrite the file selection.


  • class and method names should be lowercase, words separated by _ and descriptions should be singular (subbasin rather than subbasins)

  • name word order: spatial domain (catchment, subbasin, hydrotope, station etc.), timestep adjective (daily, monthly, annually, average), variable and/or other descriptions. Pattern: domain_timestep_variable[_description…]

  • all read from_* methods should parse any keyword to the pandas.read call

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