Seminars & Dates

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There are some fixed dates in our FutureLab, such as research and method seminars, paper Tuesdays and jour fixe Wednesdays. Here you can find an overview of the different dates and regular events.

Peter-Paul Pichler (Social Metabolism & Impacts, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)

FLMetab Seminars

We have two periodic seminars in our FutureLab which take place on the second and on the fourth Wednesday of each month, 10 to 12am.

FLMetab research seminars are an opportunity for FL members to presents current, interesting, or baffling aspects of their research with with enough time for in depth feedback and discussion. They are also used to practice presentations before conferences or defenses. If required, 10 minutes at the end of the seminar are reserved for announcements and FLMetab organizational issues. FLMetab research seminars are usually chaired by Helga and happen every fourth Wednesday of the month.

FLMetab methods seminars provide a space for shared learning of methods that are relevant to our research or deeper technical discussions on methodological issues faced by a team member. Each seminar will be prepared and moderated by one person. The format is more interactive than the FLMetab research seminar that has a more traditional lecture/discussion format. FLMetab method seminars are usually chaired by Paul and happen every second Wednesday of the month.

If you have given a seminar, please put your presentation/materials in the FLMetab cloud (research seminar, method seminar) and let Manuela know you have done so. Follow these links to access materials of previous seminars.

The two seminars are mandatory for all MSc, PhD and Post-Doc researchers in the metabolism and the migration group, except when on vacation or on official travel. If you want to participate from abroad, please let Manuela know in advance, so she can try to book a videoconference equipped room. On occasion, the topics of the method seminar will be very specific in which case not all FL members are required to attend. In such cases Manuela will only invite FL member to whom the seminar is relevant.

For upcoming seminar dates and topics please check here.

Paper Tuesday

We expect that all scientific members of FLMetab have at least one active document they are writing on. This can be, for example, a scientific article, a book chapter, a report or a thesis. Every Tuesday, we all update our current drafts in the FLMetab cloud. These documents are accessible to all members. This process makes it easy for your supervisors to stay up to date with your work and also allows other members to get an overview what everone is working on.

Wednesday jour fixe

Every Wednesday afternoon between 1:30pm and 4pm Helga has her jour fixe for PhD students and other FL members to discuss their paper progress or general research issues. If you want to reserve one or multiple time slots, please enter your name in this spreadsheet in the FL cloud.

Metab blog

On our public facing FL website we have a blog where team members can post various content that relates to their work in the FutureLab, for example short news articles about events we have hosted/visisted or publications we want to highlight. The blog is also open to other content like short tutorials or research entries. However, due to the PIK CMS it is not very convenient to publish well formatted technical articles there. It is easier to publish RMarkdown based articles on FL Metab methods blog (this site). If you want to publish something on either blog, please write Paul an email. You entry for the PIK blog should include the following four elements:

For this website, ideally send me an RMarkdown file, ideally using a distill template.


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".


For attribution, please cite this work as

Pichler (2020, Dec. 26). FL Metab methods blog: Seminars & Dates. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Pichler, Peter-Paul},
  title = {FL Metab methods blog: Seminars & Dates},
  url = {},
  year = {2020}