Weather Variability over Europe in the Context of Climate Change

by Peter Hoffmann

Hydro-Climatic Risks

Temperature Anomalies

Weather in a Climatic Context


Temperature Anomalies in Potsdam over the past 2 years

Local Weather in a larger Context

Transport of Air Masses

Every local Weather Phenomenon has a large-scale Context

Example: Heavy Rainfall

Greece: Heavy Rainfall

Example: Storm Water in Greece, September 2023

Hamburg: Hot Temperature

Example: Hamburg 40°C, July 2022

European Weather-Types

Expert Classification

Hess/Brezowsky: Großwetterlagen

Temporal Development of Weather Patterns

mindmap root)**Daily
Weather Map**( A((**WZ**)) B((BM)) C((TRM)) D((TRW)) E((SWZ)) F((WA)) G((HM)) F((WA)) H((TM)) I((HNFA)) J((WW)) K((HB)) L((TB)) M((NWZ)) N((NZ))

Sequences of Categorical Data

Categorical Data

Großwetterlagen - Shapes of the Circulation


Regional Weather Characteristics

Temperature Precipitation
HM: High over Central Europe TM: Low over Central Europe

Composite Patterns

Local Precipitation Characteristics

Dry and Wet Weather-Types in Potsdam

Weather-Type Sequences

Extreme Weather Events

May 2013: 100-year Flood of the Rivers Elbe and Danube


January 2019: Heavy Snowfall in the northern Alps


July 2021: Ahrtal Catastrophe

10.-18.07.2021: TRW,TRW,TRW,TM,TM,TM,NEZ,NEZ,NEZ

July 2022: 40°C in Hamburg


Attributes of the Weather-Types Variability

Frequency, Persistence, Transition

Long-Term Changes of Weather-Types?

Weather-Type Persistence


Significant Increase in Apr, Jun, July

Day-to-Day Atmosphere Similarity

Hoffmann et al. (2021)

Impacts of Weather Persistence

The longer Weather-Types persist, the stronger the Impacts

New dominant Weather-Types

1961-1990 1991-2020


Trough-like Weather Patterns: TRM, TRW, SWZ

New dominant Weather-Type Transitions

1961-1990 1991-2020

Network Graphs illustrate the Rhythmn of the Weather Variability

Criticality of Weather-Types

Temperature, Berlin Precipitation, Berlin

Which Weather-Types are associated with high Temperature or Heavy Rainfall in Berlin?

Attribution Study

Role of Dynamic Factors on Temperature rise

Decomposition into a Dynamical Component (June-August)




Hoffmann and Spekat (2020)

European Weather-Types

Objective Classification

Identification of Weather-Types


Data Processing

Atmosphere Fields Correlation/Clustering Sequences Synoptical Patterns

Application to Weather-Type Prediction


Re-Identification of Weather-Types in Climate Models

Training a Decision Tree between Atmospheric Fields and Weather-Types


One Ensemble Member used for Training

Comparison of the Weather Variability using Network Graphs

in Reanalyses and Climate Models

Weather Variability in Climate Models - Assessment


Representive Example

Weather Variability in Climate Models follows other rules

Weather Variability in Climate Models - Assessment


CMIP6 Ensemble

Weather Variability in Climate Models - Sensitivity

Is it a Criterion for Model Selection?

Representive Example

Three Concluding Remarks

  • Analyses of the Weather Variability over Europe are generally underrepresented in the Context of Climate Change

  • New dominant and persistent weather-types explain a higher percentage of the weather variability and they are often associated with hydroclimatic extremes

  • Weather Variability in climate model simulations follow slightly other rules with possible effects on projected rainfall patterns

Thank you for listening!


Atmospheric Fields in Weather Forecasts

Shapes and Structures

Weather Variability in ERA5 Reanalysis

Objective Classification

less order
more order

- Thank you Alison and hello everyone - My presentation is about the long-term changes of the weather variability over Europe in the context of climate change. - Climate Change not only effect the mean values and extremes but also the weather variability. - Extreme Weather Events are a small part of the whole spectrum of the weather variability. - To better understand changes in the weather variability we use existing and objective classifications of recurring weather-types over Europe. - Its a topic I'm interested in since I started at PIK in 2012 because PIK also had a long tradition in the analysis of Großwetterlagen.

- Let me begin with temperature anomalies that bring observed temperature values in a climatic context.

- This chart shows the local temperature variability in Potsdam over the last 2 years. - The magnitude of variations from day-to-day is much larger than the climate change signal. - Especially during new year 2023 anomalies were more 10 degrees above the respected values in the 60s to 80s. - On average the last 2 years were 2.3 degrees warmer than the period 1961 to 1990. - However, we will here fokus on the variabiliy mainly determined by the large-scale context of circulation conditions over Europe.

- That's why local weather phenomena need to be considered in a larger context, because the transport of air masses mainly determine the local weather conditions.

- If, for instance, a local extreme weather event occurs, than there is a causal linkage to the large-scale circulation. - A better understanding of the large-scale context and its variability is required in the context of Climate Change. - The context can be given, for instance, by atomospheric field of the geopotential height at 500hPa. - This represents the shape of the circulation in the mittle toposphere. - Its associated with the location of high and low pressure systems near surface. - Now, I will give you two examples for explaination.

- The first example shows retrospectively the large-scale context for extreme rainfall events in Greece. - Why Greece? - Because in September 2023 occured such an heavy rainfall event in Greece with mor than 500 mm within only 24 hours. - The circuations shows a trough over Central Europe associated wit a low-pressure system over the Mediterranean. - This weather pattern can trigger storm water such as for instance in September 2023.

- Another examples shows the context for extreme hot temperature in Hamburg. - In July 2022 40 degree were reported in Hamburg. - Such high temperature in the northern part of Germany are mainly triggered by south-west wind direction. - The shape of the large-scale circulation conditions shows a ridge over Central Europe with a South-West component of the wind direction.

- Thats bring me to the classification of weather-types. - By classifying recurring weather-types we are able to analyse changes in the weather variability. - Every day an local weather situation can be assigned to an attribute that characterize the context. - One expert classification is still operaterated by the DWD after the methodology by Hess/Brezowsky back to early 20th century. - Also PIK had a tradition in the assessment of weather-types or so-called Großwetterlagen.

- The basic idea is to convert the temporal development of atmospheric fields to sequences categorical data. - For example: - HM: High over Central Europe - WZ: Westerly Cyclonic - TB: Low over Britsih Island - etc.

- Here you can see how the respective circulation patterens are represented by the Geopotential Height at 500 hPa. - Each of the 30 different pattern is explained by a characteristic shape. - The upper row show the most dominant patterns or weather-types. - About 15% of the total weather variability is explained by the Westerly Cyclonic (WZ) pattern. - It is dominated by a significant pressure gradient between North and South over the North Atlantic. - The shapes of the other pattherns are dominated by a ridge, a trough or an omega-like pattern. - Every weather-type is associated with characteristic local weather conditions.

- Two examples show composite maps of temperature anomalies for the weather-type High over Central Europe (HM) and total precipitation for Low over Central Europe (TM). - This gives the causal linakge between the large-scale context and local weather phenomena. - HM in summer is associated with high temperature anomalies in westhern Europe. - TM in summer is associated with intense rainfall over Central Europe.

- This matrix shows the precipitation characteristics for Potsdam per month and weather-type. - The driest weather-type is HM in all month. - Against it, TM or TRM are the wettest weather-types, especially in summer.

<div style="left:69%; top:19%; position: absolute; font-size: 30pt; color: red"><b>&#129031;</b></div>

- How are hydroclimatic extreme events represented by weather-types? - Let me give you 4 examples!

- First: the flood event in May 2013 over the river Elbe and Danube. - Second: Heavy snowfall over the Alps in January 2019. - Third: The catastrophic flash flood event in the Ahrtal in July 2021. - Finally: 40°C in Hamburg in July 2022.

- Changes in the weather-variability can be identified in frequency, persistency and transition.

- Here are shown are monthly distribution functions of weather persistent for the ṕast and present, blue and red respectively. - In April, June and July the persistence has increased, significantly, from 3 to 4 or from 4 to 5 days.

- This result confirmed results of a study in 2021, analysing the similarity of day-to-day pressure fields. - We found increasing trends of the weather persistence in summer over the North-Atlantic and Europe. - Persistent summer over Europe are hot summers and normally dry.

- To summarize: - The longer similar weather-types persist the higher the negative impact for human health, agriculture and critical infrastructure. - This depends on the criticality of the weather-types.

- For the comparison the weather-type frequencies we aranged the categories in a level plot. - On top are located the dominant weather-types: WZ, BM and WA, - Differences between the past (left) and present (right) are visible. - There are three new dominant weather-types: TRW, TRM, SWZ. - They are often associated with weather extremes.

- New dominant weather-types also mean new dominant weather-type transitions. - This network graph visualize the rhythmn of the observed weather variability over Europe. - The size of the scatters are determined by the frequency. - The colors determine the maximum persistency. - And the thickness of the edges determine the transition frequency between two weather-types. - The visual comparison of the graphs indicate how the weather variability has changes.

- The new dominant weather-types are critical weather-types. - Here are shown two distribution of contruibuting weather types for temperature and precipitation intervals in Berlin. - The higher the bars the more weather-types are able to contribute. - On the right end of the distributions are located the extreme values. - The bars are lower. - This means only a few weather-types are retrospectively associated with extreme values. - Temperature: SWZ, TRW, HM, WA - Precipitation: TM, TRM

- By using weather-types the role of of dynamical factors on the long-term development can be analyzed.

- In 2020 we published as study to identify dynamical drivers for change in seasonal temperature and precipitation pattern. - One example for Potsdam is shown here. - First, we calculate the long-term monthly mean temperature and precipitation for each weather-type. - Second, we reconstruct a second time series only based on the time series of weather-types. - Third, for each date we replace the weather-type by the mean temperature and precipitation value. - Finally, cumulated anomalies of the raw time series (black) and the reconstracted time series (red) are compared. - About 10-15% of the warming can be explaine by changes in the weather variability. - For precipitation its higher.

- One critical argument is always the objectiveness. - This expert weather-type classification cannot be fully automated and objectivated. - However, objective methods result in new weather-type classifications.

- Here is shown one example for an objective classification of circulation patterns by using only atmospheric fields of the geopotential height at 500 hPa. - This approach is not limited to Europe. - First each day is compared to each other by similarity measure. - Finally the correlation matrix is analysed by hierarchical clustering for a given number.´

- A possible application is the prediction of weather-types in weather for climate forecasts. - The target value is not the temperature or precipitation, but the weather-type. - From retrospective analysis we know how the weather-types are liked to local weather phenomena.

- This workflow show how to re-identify weather-types in climate model simulations by training a decision tree. - It starts with a training between the atmospheric fields and the weather-types. - In the next step we add non-classified atmospheric fields and test the decision tree. - At the end we obtain a sequence of weather-types for the given climate model.

- Finally, I will show you the comparision of weather variability over Europe in reanalysis and CMIP6 model simulations.

- Next shows the comparison of the weather variability between ERA5 and one CMIP6 member for the period 1981-2020. - The differences are much stronger represented. - WZ is more dominant in this model simulation. - The simulated weather variability in Climate models follows other rules.

- By comparing the weather variability of all models with ranalysis we can possible characterize the performance of individual climate model simulations. - A possible argument for model selection.

- Also changes in the weather variability is lower than expected comparing the future period with the past.

![w:550 h:500](./img/MPI-ESM1-2-LR_1981-2020.png) ![w:550 h:500](./img/MPI-ESM1-2-LR_2051-2090.png)

- Based on this knowledge we are able to assess the current weather and weather pattern developement.

- The examples have shown that different shapes and structures of the circulation are associated with characteristic local weather phenomena.

- Here is show the comparison of the weather variability in reanalysis data using the objective classification. - Compared are two period: 1961-1990 to 1991-2020. - The network of edges under present conditions is less caotic.