#rsv #Name #Description 1 # number of reservoirs in the river basin 23 # subbasins number(s) of reservoir subbasin(s). The order must be similar to the order of reservoirs in reservoir.csv San_Jacinto #Name of the reservoir 63.0 #Capac_Max #Maximum capacity of Reservoir, including dead storage [million m3] 17.8 #dead_stor #Dead storage [million m3] 0.60 #Start_Fill #Filling of Reservoir for 1st month of simulation [Start_Fill * Rsv_Cap_Act(1)], between 0.00 and 1.00 1 #Res_active #existing Reservoir? no: 0 OR yes: 1 0 #Res_activate_thresh 1884.0 #level_max #Maximum Waterlevel of HPP [mNN] 1829.85 #level_min #Minimum Waterlevel of HPP [mNN] 54.15 #level_hpp #Maximum fall heigth of HPP [m] 16.4 #cap_hpp #Capacity of HPP [m3/s] 0.90 #Efficiency of HPP (Max: 1.0= 100%; Min: 0.0= 0%) #86-90% normally 0.00001 #Rsv_loss_seepage,#in [m3/s] per [million m3 of filling volume] 0.1 #rsv_gwc #Fraction of seepage that becomes gwq (ground water contribution) 1.0 #rsv_evapc #Coefficient to correct lake evaporation 0 #Rsv_start_year #Year for start of filling of new reservoir (Res_active= 0) 0 #Rsv_start_day #Day of year for start of filling of new reservoir (Res_active= 0 2 #Rsv_Mngmt #Kind of Reservoir Management 0.01 #Rsv_shr_withdr #share of reservoir filling available for withdrawal directly from reservoir (Max: 1.0= 100%; Min: 0.0= 0%)