Reinhard Calov and Ralf Greve



The Participants and their Data

The file names all have prefix letters 'a' to 'i'. They follow the notation of the HEINO model description document and are the same as in Calov et al. (2010). As we all opted for revealing the model identities, the prefix letters and the correponding models are listed below.

Model ID Model Author(s)
(a) IcIES F. Saito, A. Abe-Ouchi
(b) SICOPOLIS (version 2.8.1) R. Greve, R. Calov
(c) Pollard model D. Pollard
(d) MUN/UofT GSM L. Tarasov
(e) Pattyn model (in SIA mode) F. Pattyn
(f) GRISLI (in SIA mode) C. Ritz
(g) Huybrechts model P. Huybrechts
(h) PISM (version stable0.1, in SIA mode) E. Bueler
(i) Glimmer J. V. Johnson

The data files are organized as zipped tarballs. Use the unix/linux tar and gunzip commands to retrieve the data files.

If you use the data, please cite

  • Calov R, Greve R, Abe-Ouchi A, Bueler E, Huybrechts P, Johnson JV, Pattyn F, Pollard D, Ritz C, Saito F, Tarasov L (2010) Results from the ice sheet model intercomparison project - Heinrich event intercomparison (ISMIP HEINO). J Glaciol 56 (197): 371-383.

The files are listed hereafter.

1. Time Series (Global Time Series and Time Series over the Sediment Region)

Section 7.1 of the HEINO project description document contains information about the output format of the files in the tarballs.

Files by run ST:  ST.tar.gz
Files by run T1:  T1.tar.gz
Files by run T2:  T2.tar.gz
Files by run B1:  B1.tar.gz
Files by run B2:  B2.tar.gz
Files by run S1:  S1.tar.gz
Files by run S2:  S2.tar.gz
Files by run S3:  S3.tar.gz

2. 2D Plane Form Output

Please, read section 7.2 of the HEINO project description document for the output format of the files. The first line of a single file corresponds to a point in time when certain characteristics matched (see description document for details). If the first line contains the value 9999 not data have been delivered for this item and only for this item. In most cases, the users of the data might wish to skip the first line of the 2D data files.

Files by run ST:  ST_pf.tar.gz
Files by run T1:  T1_pf.tar.gz
Files by run T2:  T2_pf.tar.gz
Files by run B1:  B1_pf.tar.gz
Files by run B2:  B2_pf.tar.gz
Files by run S1:  S1_pf.tar.gz
Files by run S2:  S2_pf.tar.gz
Files by run S3:  S3_pf.tar.gz

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