Y. M. Svirezhev and W. von Bloh
Ecological Modelling 106, 119-127 (1998)
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK),
Telegrafenberg, P.O. Box 60 12 03, 14412 Potsdam, Germany.
A model of a hypothetical zero-dimensional planet containing a global carbon cycle, which describes the fundamental interaction between climate and biosphere,
is used as a basis to formulate a new model incorporating a hydrological cycle.
Using the conservation law for carbon and water in the system the number of
differential equations is thereby reduced by two from five to three. The number
and positions of the stable equilibria in the three-dimensional phase space is
determined using numerical methods. This number is related to the value of
the maximum productivity Pmax, the total amount of carbon
A and water B in the system as bifurcation parameters of the system.
Keywords: Minimal model, biosphere, carbon cycle, hydrological cycle