Impacts of Global Change on the Water Cycle in the Elbe Region - Risks and Options

River Elbe


GLOWA-Elbe Book 2008 (english)

GLOWA-Elbe Book 2005 (german)

| Models | Data

Regional Agricultural and Environmental Information System for Germany

R O L E . OF . T H E . M O D E L . W I T H I N . T H E . G L O W A - E L B E . P R O J E C T

a) Downscaling of changes on global level to regions within the Elbe
b) Developing a method for spatial distribution of simulated agricultural land use on units below the NUTS III level (current calculation level) to adapt RAUMIS on river basin resolution
c) Initial analyses for expanding RAUMIS to Czech part of Elbe river basin

Model interfaces to (input data): SWIM, KASIM and REGE

Model interfaces to (output data): SWIM, MONERIS and LAND USE SCANNER

Peculiarities of the SWIM-Elbe implementation: About 126 regions within the whole German Elbe river basin

Time frames: Validation: 1979, 1983, 1987, 1991, 1995, 1999, 2003* (*not fully implemented)

Projection: 2010 and 2020

Potential users and application areas:

a) Authorities and service providers, e. g. implementing the Water Framework Directive and developing the program of measures
b) Universities and research institutes exploring agricultural and agri- environmental issues, the change of land use and diffuse agricultural nutrient input in river basins

Availability: Source code and executable RAUMIS-Version (in consultancy with BMELV, please contact

Resources needed for set-up of site-specific model: Application: 20 – 40 working days depending on previous knowledge Further development: 200 – 300 working days depending on previous knowledge


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