Our planet’s vital signs are flashing red

The Planetary Health Check is the most comprehensive, science-based global initiative dedicated to measuring and maintaining the Earth system.

Earth System Status

The Planetary Boundaries framework defines a science-based “safe operating space for humanity” to prevent dangerous, large-scale abrupt or irreversible environmental changes. The latest research reveals that six of the nine planetary boundaries are now substantially breached.

"We Earth system scientists and climate scientists are getting seriously nervous. The planet is changing faster than we had expected. We are, despite years of raising the alarm, now seeing that the planet is actually in a situation where we underestimated risks. Abrupt changes are occuring in a way that is way beyond the realistic expectations in science."

Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research


Planetary Health Check 2024: A Scientific Assessment of the State of the Planet

The latest assessment of Planetary Boundaries science is contained in the inaugural Planetary Health Check report, developed by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

Latest assessment of the financial cost of exceeding only the Climate Change Boundary:


$38 trillion USD per year in 2050


18% loss in GDP by 2050


It is still possible for us to slow and even reverse humanity’s effects on our planet.

Implementing solutions requires scientists, policy makers, business leaders and society as a whole to understand the drivers, identify solutions, and build governance that will deliver a sustainable and just future for humanity.

To help bring us back to a safe operating space, we will need a high level of collaboration between businesses, policy makers, government, the media, and civil society organizations. The work has already started. Here are some examples of ways you can act now….

For Businesses

Planetary Boundaries science provides an incredible framework to mitigate risks, future proof businesses, and drive innovation that helps bring us back to a safe operating space.

For Policymakers

The Planetary Boundaries science must be central to operating and budgeting frameworks for governments and multilaterals to ensure we can become effective stewards of the Planet.

About the Planetary Health Check

This is the first stage of the Planetary Health Check - a platform to raise awareness about the planet's health and the urgent actions needed to protect it. This platform will evolve into a dynamic tool, combining live data and technology to inform just solutions that bring us back to a safe operating zone.