
Komplexe Netzwerke, Maschinelles Lernen & Entscheidungstheorie
Fischer, J., Batáry, P., Bawa, K. S., Brussaard, L., Chappell, M. J., Clough, Y., Daily, G. C., Dorrough, J., Hartel, T., Jackson, L. E., Klein, A. M., Kremen, C., Kümmerle, T., Lindenmayer, D. B., Mooney, H. A., Perfecto, I., Philpott, S. M., Tscharntke, T., Vandermeer, J., Wanger, T. C., von Wehrden, H. (2011): Conservation: limits of land sparing - Science
Kümmerle, T., Radeloff, V. C., Perzanowski, K., Kozlo, P., Sipko, T., Khoyetskyy, P., Bashta, A.-T., Chikurova, E., Parnikoza, I., Baskin, L., Angelstam, P., Waller, D. M. (2011): Predicting potential European bison habitat across its former range - Ecological Applications
Holsten, A., Kropp, Jürgen P., Walther, C., Lissner, T., Roithmeier, O., Klaus, M. (2011): Case Study North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) - Case Study North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Climate Change and Territorial Effects on Regions and Local Economies ; Annex 3
Battaglini, A., Lilliestam, J. (2011): Zur Governance des Übertragungsnetzes - Zur Governance des Übertragungsnetzes, Schriften zur Ökologie ; 16
Hallinan, K. P., Mitchell, A., Brecha, R. J., Kissock, J. K. (2011): Targeting Residential Energy Reduction for City Utilities Using Historical Electrical Utility Data and Readily Available Building Data - Targeting Residential Energy Reduction for City Utilities Using Historical Electrical Utility Data and Readily Available Building Data
Reckien, D., Lüdeke, M., Reußwig, Fritz, Kit, O., Meyer-Ohlendorf, L., Budde, M., Rosenzweig, C., Solecki, W. D., Hammer, S. A., Mehrotra, S. (2011): Hyderabad, India, Infrastructure and Adaptation Planning [Box 6.2] - Climate Change and Cities
Gray, A. J. G., Sadler, J., Kit, O., Kyzirakos, K., Karpathiotakis, M., Calbimonte, J.-P., Page, K., Garcia-Castro, R., Frazer, A., Galpin, I., Fernandes, A., Paton, N. W., Corcho, O., Koubarakis, M., De Roure, D., Martinez, K., Gomez-Perez, A. (2011): A semantic sensor web for environmental decision support applications - Sensors
Bahar, S., Neiman, A. B., Jung, P., Kurths, Jürgen, Schimansky-Geier, L., Showalter, K. (2011): Introduction to focus issue: Nonlinear and Stochastic Physics in Biology - Chaos
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Pichs-Madruga, R., Sokona, Y., Seyboth, K., Arvizu, D., Bruckner, T., Christensen, J., Chum, H., Devernay, J.-M., Faaij, A., Fischedick, M., Goldstein, B., Hansen, G., Huckerby, J., Jäger-Waldau, A., Kadner, S., Kammen, D., Krey, V., Kumar, A., Lewis, A., Lucon, O., Matschoss, P., Maurice, L., Mitchell, C., Moomaw, W., Moreira, J., Nadai, A., Nilsson, L. J., Nyboer, J., Rahman, A., Sathaye, J., Sawin, J., Schaeffer, R., Schei, T., Schlömer, S., Sims, R., von Stechow, C., Verbruggen, A., Urama, K., Wiser, R., Yamba, F., Zwickel, T., Edenhofer, O., Pichs-Madruga, R., Sokona, Y., Seyboth, K., Matschoss, P., Kadner, S., Zwickel, T., Eickemeier, P., Hansen, G., Schlömer, S., von Stechow, C. (2011): Summary for Policymakers - Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN)
Brüggemann, N., Gessler, A., Kayler, Z., Keel, S. G., Badeck, F., Barthel, M., Boeckx, P., Buchmann, N., Brugnoli, E., Esperschütz, J., Gavrichkova, O., Ghashghaie, J., Gomez-Casanovas, N., Keitel, C., Knohl, A., Kuptz, D., Palacio, S., Salmon, Y., Uchida, Y., Bahn, M. (2011): Carbon allocation and carbon isotope fluxes in the plant-soil-atmosphere continuum: a review - Biogeosciences
Schmitz, C., Lotze-Campen, Hermann (2011): A spatial mathematical model analysis of the linkage between agricultural trade and deforestation - A spatial mathematical model analysis of the linkage between agricultural trade and deforestation
van Vuuren, D. P., Edmonds, J., Kainuma, M., Riahi, K., Thomson, A., Hibbard, K., Hurtt, G. C., Kram, T., Krey, V., Lamarque, J. F., Masui, T., Meinshausen, M., Nakicenovic, N., Smith, S. J., Rose, S. K. (2011): The representative concentration pathways: an overview - Climatic Change
Birkmann, J., Böhm, H. R., Buchholz, F., Büscher, D., Daschkeit, A., Ebert, S., Fleischhauer, M., Frommer, B., Köhler, S., Kufeld, W., Lenz, S., Overbeck, G., Schanze, J., Schlipf, S., Sommerfeldt, P., Stock, Manfred, Vollmer, M., Walkenhorst, O. (2011): Glossar Klimawandel und Raumentwicklung - Glossar Klimawandel und Raumentwicklung, E-Paper der ARL ; 10
Hezel, B., Mayle, M., Schmelcher, P. (2011): Interaction-induced stabilization of circular Rydberg atoms - Physical Review A
Romanova, V., Köhl, A., Stammer, D. (2011): Seasonal cycle of near surface freshwater budget in the western tropical Atlantic - Journal of Geophysical Research
Quegan, S., Beer, C., Shvidenko, A., McCallum, I., Handoh, I., Peylin, P., Rodenbeck, C., Lucht, Wolfgang, Nilsson, S., Schmullius, C. (2011): Estimating the carbon balance of central Siberia using a landscape-ecosystem approach, atmospheric inversion and dynamic global vegetation models - Global Change Biology
Schüth, F., Behrendt, F., Renn, O., Schlögl, R., Umbach, E., Wagner, H.-J., Bradshaw, A., Drenckhahn, D., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Eichhammer, W., Emmermann, R., Erdmann, G., Gleiter, H., Horsfield, B., Hüttl, R., Janicka, J., Kemfert, C., Leo, K., Milow, B., Pfluger, B., Pitz-Paal, R., Ragwitz, M., Sauerbrey, R., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Schleich, J., Schmid, J., Stock, G., Thrän, D., Wagemann, K., Wietschel, M., Ertmer, W., Leiderer, P., Thauer, R., Zenner, H.-P., Anton, C. (2011): Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme. Energiepolitische und forschungspolitische Empfehlungen nach den Ereignissen in Fukushima - Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme. Energiepolitische und forschungspolitische Empfehlungen nach den Ereignissen in Fukushima
Acosta-Michlik, L., Lucht, Wolfgang, Bondeau, A., Beringer, T. (2011): Integrated assessment of sustainability trade-offs and pathways for global bioenergy production: Framing a novel hybrid approach - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Mokhov, I. I., Smirnov, D. A., Nakonechny, P. I., Kozlenko, S. S., Seleznev, E. P., Kurths, Jürgen (2011): Alternating mutual influence of El-Niño/Southern Oscillation and Indian monsoon - Geophysical Research Letters
Lüttger, A., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Gutsch, M., Hattermann, F., Lasch, P., Murawski, A., Petraschek, J., Suckow, F., Werner, P. C. (2011): Klimawandel in der Region Havelland-Fläming - Klimawandel in der Region Havelland-Fläming, PIK Report ; 121
Grothmann, T., Daschkeit, A., Felgentreff, C., Görg, C., Horstmann, B., Scholz, I., Tekken, V. (2011): Anpassung an den Klimawandel - Potenziale sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung in Deutschland - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society
Donner, Reik V., Kropp, J. P., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2011): Spatial correlations of river runoffs in a catchment - In Extremis - Disruptive Events and Trends in Climate and Hydrology
Hattermann, Fred Fokko, Lüttger, A., Gerstengarbe, F.-W., Gutsch, M., Hattermann, F. F., Lasch, P., Murawski, A., Petraschek, J., Suckow, F., Werner, P. C. (2011): Expertise 2 'Klimawandel und Hydrologie in der Region Havelland-Fläming' - Klimawandel in der Region Havelland-Fläming, PIK-Report ; 121
van Vuuren, D. P., Isaac, M., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Arnell, N., Barker, T., Criqui, P., Berkhout, F., Hilderink, H., Hinkel, J., Hof, A., Kitous, A., Kram, T., Mechler, R., Scrieciu, S. (2011): The use of scenarios as the basis for combined assessment of climate change mitigation and adaptation - Global Environmental Change