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Targeted policies can compensate most of the increased sustainability risks in 1.5 °C mitigation scenarios
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Economic Growth, Human Development, and Welfare
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Global mean temperature indicators linked to warming levels avoiding climate risks
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Improving the use of crop models for risk assessment and climate change adaptation
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Warming assessment of the bottom-up Paris Agreement emissions pledges
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Identifying pathways to visions of future land use in Europe
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Design and results of the ice sheet model initialisation experiments initMIP-Greenland: an ISMIP6 intercomparison
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Truncation error estimates in process life cycle assessment using input-output analysis
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How accurately do maize crop models simulate the interactions of atmospheric CO2 concentration levels with limited water supply on water use and yield?
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A hybrid strategy for network immunization
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A dynamic message-passing approach for social contagion in time-varying multiplex networks
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The legacy of large dams and their effects on the water-land nexus
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A financial macro-network approach to climate policy evaluation
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Mobilizing domestic resources for the Agenda 2030 via carbon pricing
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A recurrence quantification analysis-based channel-frequency convolutional neural network for emotion recognition from EEG
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A generic pixel-to-point comparison for simulated large-scale ecosystem properties and ground-based observations: an example from the Amazon region
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Large uncertainty in carbon uptake potential of land-based climate-change mitigation efforts
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Evaluating changes of biomass in global vegetation models: the role of turnover fluctuations and ENSO events
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Biophysical and economic implications for agriculture of +1.5° and +2.0°C global warming using AgMIP Coordinated Global and Regional Assessments
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Coupling land-use change and hydrologic models for quantification of catchment ecosystem services
- Environmental Modelling and Software
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The importance of snow albedo for ice sheet evolution over the last glacial cycle
- Climate of the Past
Koch, Hagen, Selge, F., de Azevedo, J. R. G., Souza da Silva, G. N., Siegmund-Schultze, M., Hattermann, Fred Fokko (2018):
Reservoir operation and environmental water demand: Scenarios for the Sub-Middle and Lower São Francisco River basin, Brazil
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Huang, Shaochun, Kumar, R., Rakovec, O., Aich, Valentin, Wang, X., Samaniego, L., Liersch, Stefan, Krysanova, Valentina (2018):
Multimodel assessment of flood characteristics in four large river basins at global warming of 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 K above the pre-industrial level
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10 New Insights in Climate Science 2018
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The 'pause' in global warming in historical context: (II). Comparing models to observations
- Environmental Research Letters
Gelbrecht, Maximilian, Boers, Niklas, Kurths, Jürgen (2018):
Phase coherence between precipitation in South America and Rossby waves
- Science Advances
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Lévy noise induced transition and enhanced stability in a gene regulatory network
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Planning, protest, and contentious politics
- disP - The Planning Review