
Komplexe Netzwerke, Maschinelles Lernen & Entscheidungstheorie
Mercure, J.-F., Paim, M. A., Bocquillon, P., Lindner, S., Salas, P., Martinelli, P., Berchin, I. I., Andrade Guerra, J. B. S. O. de, Derani, C., Albuquerque Junior, C. L. de, Ribeiro, J. M. P., Knobloch, F., Pollitt, H., Edwards, N. R., Holden, P. B., Foley, A., Schaphoff, Sibyll, Faraco, R. A., Vinuales, J. E. (2019): System complexity and policy integration challenges: The Brazilian Energy-Water-Food Nexus - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Frolov, N. S., Grubov, V. V., Maksimenko, V. A., Lüttjohann, A., Makarov, V. V., Pavlov, A. N., Sitnikova, E., Pisarchik, A. N., Kurths, Jürgen, Hramov, A. E. (2019): Statistical properties and predictability of extreme epileptic events - Nature Scientific Reports
Beckmann, Johanna, Perrette, Mahé, Beyer, Sebastian, Calov, Reinhard, Willeit, Matteo, Ganopolski, Andrey (2019): Modeling the response of Greenland outlet glaciers to global warming using a coupled flow line-plume model - The Cryosphere
Hilaire, Jérôme, Minx, J. C., Callaghan, M. W., Edmonds, J., Luderer, Gunnar, Nemet, G. F., Rogelj, J., del Mar Zamora, M. (2019): Negative emissions and international climate goals - learning from and about mitigation scenarios - Climatic Change
Krishnan, A., Manikandan, R., Midhun, P. R., Reeja, K. V., Unni, V. R., Sujith, R. I., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2019): Mitigation of oscillatory instability in turbulent reactive flows: A novel approach using complex networks - EPL (Europhysics Letters)
Landholm, David M., Pradhan, Prajal, Kropp, Jürgen P. (2019): Diverging forest land use dynamics induced by armed conflict across the tropics - Global Environmental Change
Petr, M., Vacchiano, G., Thom, D., Mairota, P., Kautz, M., Goncalves, L. M. S., Yousefpour, R., Kaloudis, S., Reyer, Christopher P. O. (2019): Inconsistent recognition of uncertainty in studies of climate change impacts on forests - Environmental Research Letters
Bülow, K., Huebener, H., Keuler, K., Menz, C., Pfeifer, S., Ramthun, H., Spekat, A., Steger, C., Teichmann, C., Warrach-Sagi, K. (2019): User tailored results of a regional climate model ensemble to plan adaption to the changing climate in Germany - Advances in Science and Research
Pińskwar, I., Chorynski, A., Graczyk, D., Kundzewicz, Zbigniew W. (2019): Observed changes in extreme precipitation in Poland: 1991-2015 versus 1961-1990 - Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Chen, X., Wu, F., Duan, J., Kurths, Jürgen, Li, X. (2019): Most probable dynamics of a genetic regulatory network under stable Lévy noise - Applied Mathematics and Computation
Safina, O. S., Voronov, A. V., Safin, A. R., Bulatov, M. F., Churikov, D. V., Surovyatkina, Elena (2019): Normal mode spectra of hierarchical ensembles of interconnected oscillators - Technical Physics Letters
Hramov, A. E., Maksimenko, V., Koronovskii, A., Runnova, A. E., Zhuravlev, M., Pisarchik, A. N., Kurths, Jürgen (2019): Percept-related EEG classification using machine learning approach and features of functional brain connectivity - Chaos
Gavrilov, A., Seleznev, A., Mukhin, D., Loskutov, E., Feigin, A., Kurths, Jürgen (2019): Linear dynamical modes as new variables for data-driven ENSO forecast - Climate Dynamics
Protachevicz, P. R., Borges, F. S., Lameu, E. L., Ji, P., Iarosz, K. C., Kihara, A. H., Caldas, I. L:, Szezech, J. D., Baptista, M. S., Macau, E. E. N., Antonopoulos, C. G., Batista, A. M., Kurths, Jürgen (2019): Bistable firing pattern in a neural network model - Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
Wang, Y., Counillon, F., Keenlyside, N., Svendsen, L., Gleixner, Stephanie, Kimmritz, M., Dai, P., Gao, Y. (2019): Seasonal predictions initialised by assimilating sea surface temperature observations with the EnKF - Climate Dynamics
Haque, M. M., Seidou, O., Mohammadian, A., Djibo, A. G., Liersch, Stefan, Fournet, Samuel, Karam, S., Perera, E. D. P., Kleynhans, M. (2019): Improving the accuracy of hydrodynamic simulations in data scarce environments using bayesian model averaging: A case study of the Inner Niger Delta, Mali, West Africa - Water
Fromhold-Eisebith, M., Grote, U., Matthies, E., Messner, D., Pittel, K., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Schieferdecker, I., Schlacke, S., Schneidewind, U., Augenstein, K., Blake-Rath, R., Bohnenberger, K., Bossy, A., Dorsch, M. J., Feist, M., Gärtner, Juliana, Göpel, M., Jürschik, U., Krause, K., Loose, C., Messerschmidt, R., Müngersdorff, M., Paulini, I., Petrusjanz, N., Pfeiffer, J., Pilardeaux, B., Schlüter, T., Schöneberg, G., Schulz, A., Stephan, B., Szabo-Müller, P., Wallis, H., Wegener, N. (2019): Unsere gemeinsame digitale Zukunft - WBGU-Hauptgutachten
Manoj, K., Pawar, S. A., Dange, S., Mondal, S., Sujith, R. I., Surovyatkina, Elena, Kurths, Jürgen (2019): Synchronization route to weak chimera in four candle-flame oscillators - Physical Review E
Ganzenmüller, Raphael, Pradhan, Prajal, Kropp, Jürgen P. (2019): Sectoral performance analysis of national greenhouse gas emission inventories by means of neural networks - Science of the Total Environment
Forkel, M., Dorigo, W., Lasslop, G., Chuvieco, E., Hantson, S., Heil, A., Teubner, I., Thonicke, Kirsten, Harrison, S. (2019): Recent global and regional trends in burned area and their compensating environmental controls - Environmental Research Communications
Ribeiro, H. V., Rybski, Diego, Kropp, Jürgen P. (2019): Effects of changing population or density on urban carbon dioxide emissions - Nature Communications
Pichler, Peter-Paul, Jaccard, Ingram S., Weisz, U., Weisz, Helga (2019): International comparison of health care carbon footprints - Environmental Research Letters
Minoli, Sara, Egli, D. B., Rolinski, Susanne, Müller, Christoph (2019): Modelling cropping periods of grain crops at the global scale - Global and Planetary Change