
Komplexe Netzwerke, Maschinelles Lernen & Entscheidungstheorie
Laudien, Rahel, Schauberger, Bernhard, Gleixner, Stephanie, Gornott, Christoph (2020): Assessment of weather-yield relations of starchy maize at different scales in Peru to support the NDC implementation - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Li, Yunfei, Schubert, Sebastian, Kropp, Jürgen P., Rybski, Diego (2020): On the influence of density and morphology on the Urban Heat Island intensity - Nature Communications
Garbe, Julius, Albrecht, Torsten, Levermann, Anders, Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Winkelmann, Ricarda (2020): The hysteresis of the Antarctic Ice Sheet - Nature
Leclère, D., Obersteiner, M., Barrett, M., Butchart, S. H. M., Chaudhary, A., De Palma, A., DeClerck, F. A. J., Di Marco, M., Doelman, J. C., Dürauer, M., Freeman, R., Harfoot, M., Hasegawa, T., Hellweg, S., Hilbers, J. P., Hill, S. L. L., Humpenöder, Florian, Jennings, N., Krisztin, T., Mace, G. M., Ohashi, H., Popp, Alexander, Purvis, A., Schipper, A. M., Tabeau, A., Valin, H., van Mejl, H., van Zeist, W.-J., Visconti, P., Alkemade, R., Almond, R., Bunting, G., Burgess, N. D., Cornell, S. E., Di Fulvio, F., Ferrier, S., Fritz, S., Fujimori, S., Grooten, M., Harwood, T., Havlík, P., Herrero, M., Hoskins, A. J., Jung, M., Kram, T., Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Matsui, T., Meyer, C., Nel, D., Newbold, T., Schmid-Traub, G., Stehfest, E., Strassburg, B. B. N., van Vuuren, D. P., Ware, C., Watson, J. E. M., Wu, W., Young, L. (2020): Bending the curve of terrestrial biodiversity needs an integrated strategy - Nature
Norström, Albert V., Cvitanovic, Christopher, Löf, Marie F., West, Simon, Wyborn, Carina, Balvanera, Patricia, Bednarek, Angela T., Bennett, Elena M., Biggs, Reinette, de Bremond, Ariane, Campbell, Bruce M., Canadell, Josep G., Carpenter, Stephen R., Folke, Carl, Fulton, Elizabeth A., Gaffney, Owen, Gelcich, Stefan, Jouffray, Jean-Baptiste, Leach, Melissa, Le Tissier, Martin, Martín-López, Berta, Louder, Elena, Loutre, Marie-France, Meadow, Alison M., Nagendra, Harini, Payne, Davnah, Peterson, Garry D., Reyers, Belinda, Scholes, Robert, Speranza, Chinwe Ifejika, Spierenburg, Marja, Stafford-Smith, Mark, Tengö, Maria, van der Hel, Sandra, van Putten, Ingrid, Österblom, Henrik (2020): Principles for knowledge co-production in sustainability research - Nature Sustainability
Fan, Jingfang, Meng, Jun, Liu, Yang, Ali Saberi, A., Kurths, Jürgen, Nagler, J. (2020): Universal gap scaling in percolation - Nature Physics
Glanemann, Nicole, Willner, Sven, Levermann, Anders (2020): Paris Climate Agreement passes the cost-benefit test - Nature Communications
Ito, A., Reyer, Christopher P. O., Gädeke, Anne, Ciais, P., Chang, J., Chen, M., Francois, L., Forrest, M., Hickler, T., Ostberg, Sebastian, Hao, S., Thiery, W., Tian, H. (2020): Pronounced and unavoidable impacts of low-end global warming on northern high-latitude land ecosystems - Environmental Research Letters
Pavithran, I., Unni, V. R., Varghese, A. J., Sujith, R. I., Saha, A., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2020): Universality in the emergence of oscillatory instabilities in turbulent flows - EPL (Europhysics Letters)
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2019): Ein Forscher sagte schon 1977 den Klimawandel voraus - leider arbeitete er bei Exxon - SPIEGEL Online : Wissenschaft
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2019): Regierung will die Klimakrise totschweigen - SPIEGEL Online : Wissenschaft
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2019): Darum schweigt die Bundesregierung zur wichtigsten Zahl beim Klimaschutz - SPIEGEL Online : Wissenschaft
Caesar, Levke, Rahmstorf, Stefan, Drijfhout, Sybren, Schmittner, Andreas (2019): The evolution of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and its implications for surface warming
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2019): Es sieht zwar nicht so aus, aber wir können die Klimakrise noch abwenden - SPIEGEL Online : Wissenschaft
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2019): Warum der Klimawandel Tropenstürme gefährlicher macht - SPIEGEL Online : Wissenschaft
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2019): Die Menschheit verliert die Kontrolle über den Zustand der Erde - SPIEGEL Online : Wissenschaft
Kornhuber, K., Osprey, S., Coumou, Dim, Petri, Stefan, Petoukhov, Vladimir, Rahmstorf, Stefan, Gray, L. (2019): Extreme weather events in early summer 2018 connected by a recurrent hemispheric wave-7 pattern - Environmental Research Letters
Lutz, Femke, Herzfeld, Tobias, Heinke, Jens, Rolinski, Susanne, Schaphoff, Sibyll, von Bloh, Werner, Stoorvogel, J. J., Müller, Christoph (2019): Simulating the effect of tillage practices with the global ecosystem model LPJmL (version 5.0-tillage) - Geoscientific Model Development
Liersch, Stefan, Fournet, Samuel, Koch, Hagen, Djibo, A.G., Reinhardt, Julia, Kortlandt, J., van Weert, F., Seidou, O., Klop, E., Baker, C., Hattermann, Fred Fokko (2019): Water resources planning in the Upper Niger River basin: Are there gaps between water demand and supply? - Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies
Liu, B., Martre, P., Ewert, F., Porter, J. R., Challinor, A. J., Müller, Christoph, Ruane, A. C., Waha, K., Thorburn, P. J., Aggarwal, P. K., Ahmed, M., Balkovič, J., Basso, B., Biernath, C., Bindi, M., Cammarano, D., De Sanctis, G., Dumont, B., Espadafor, M., Rezaei, E. E., Ferrise, R., Garcia-Vila, M., Gayler, S., Gao, Y., Horan, H., Hoogenboom, G., Izaurralde, R. C., Jones, C. D., Kassie, B. T., Kersebaum, K. C., Klein, C., Koehler, A.-K., Maiorano, A., Minoli, Sara, Montesino San Martine, M., Kumar, S. N., Nendel, C., O'Leary, G. J., Palosuo, T., Priesack, E., Ripoche, D., Rötter, R. P., Semenov, M. A., Stöckle, C., Streck, T., Supit, I., Tao, F., Van der Velde, M., Wallach, D., Wang, E., Webber, H., Wolf, J., Xiao, L., Zhang, Z., Zhao, Z., Zhu, Y., Asseng, S. (2019): Global wheat production with 1.5 and 2.0°C above pre-industrial warming - Global Change Biology
da Costa, D. R., Hansen, M., Batista, A. M. (2019): Parametric perturbation in a model that describes the neuronal membrane potential - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Boaretto, B. R. R., Budzinski, R. C., Prado, T. L., Kurths, Jürgen, Lopes, S. R. (2019): Protocol for suppression of phase synchronization in Hodgkin–Huxley-type networks - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Mattauch, L., Creutzig, F., aus dem Moore, N., Franks, R. Maximilian, Funke, F., Jakob, M., Sager, L., Schwarz, M., Voß, A., Beck, M.-L., Daub, C.-H., Drupp, M., Ekardt, F., Hagedorn, G., Kirchner, M., Kruse, T., Loew, T., Neuhoff, K., Neuweg, I., Peterson, S., Roesti, M., Schneider, G., Schmidt, R., Schwarze, R., Siegmeier, J., Thalmann, P., Wallacher, J. (2019): Antworten auf zentrale Fragen zur Einführung von CO2-Preisen. Gestaltungsoptionen und ihre Auswirkungen für den schnellen Übergang in die klimafreundliche Gesellschaft. - Diskussionsbeiträge der Scientists for Future
Hoff, Holger, Alrahaife, S. A., El Hajj, R., Lohr, K., Mengoub, F. E., Farajalla, N., Fritzsche, K., Jobbins, G., Özerol, G., Schultz, R., Ulrich, A. (2019): A nexus approach for the MENA region - from concept to knowledge to action - Frontiers in Environmental Science
Müller, Christoph, Elliott, J., Kelly, D., Arneth, A., Balkovič, J., Ciais, P., Deryng, D., Folberth, C., Hoek, S., Izaurralde, R. C., Jones, C. D., Khabarov, N., Lawrence, P., Liu, W., Olin, S., Pugh, T. A. M., Reddy, A., Rosenzweig, C., Ruane, A. C., Sakurai, G., Schmid, E., Skalsky, R., Wang, X., Wit, A. de, Yang, H. (2019): The Global Gridded Crop Model Intercomparison phase 1 simulation dataset - Nature Scientific Data
Ward, H., Steckel, Jan Christoph, Jakob, M. (2019): How global climate policy could affect competitiveness - Energy Economics
Hagedorn, G., Kalmus, P., Mann, M., Vicca, S., Van den Berge, J., Ypersele, J.-P. van, Bourg, D., Rotmans, J., Kaaronen, R., Rahmstorf, Stefan, Kromp-Kolb, H., Kirchengast, G., Knutti, R., Seneviratne, S. I., Thalmann, P., Cretney, R., Green, A., Anderson, K., Hedberg, M., Nilsson, D., Kuttner, A., Hayhoe, K. (2019): Concerns of young protesters are justified - Science
Jones, C. D., Frölicher, T. L., Koven, C., MacDougall, A. H., Matthews, H. D., Zickfeld, K., Rogelj, J., Tokarska, K. B., Gillett, N. P., Ilyina, T., Meinshausen, Malte, Mengis, N., Seferian, R., Eby, M., Burger, F. A. (2019): The Zero Emissions Commitment Model Intercomparison Project (ZECMIP) contribution to C4MIP: quantifying committed climate changes following zero carbon emissions - Geoscientific Model Development