
Publikationen sind eines der wichtigsten Produkte des PIK. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie unsere neuesten Arbeiten und weitere Informationen
Menzel, L., Lang, H., Kovar, K., Tappeiner, U., Peters, N.E., Craig, R.G. (1998): Spatial variation in evapotranspiration in Swiss Alpine regions - Spatial variation in evapotranspiration in Swiss Alpine regions, Hydrology, water resources and ecology in headwaters
Svirezhev, Y. (1998): Globalistics: a new synthesis. Philosophy of global modelling - Ecological Modelling
Lüdeke, M.K.B. (1998): Qualitative modelling of environmentally problematic land use changes: an integrative approach based on the syndrome concept - Qualitative modelling of environmentally problematic land use changes: an integrative approach based on the syndrome concept
Kite, G., Haberlandt, U. (1998): Atmospheric model data for macroscale hydrology - Journal of Hydrology
Reußwig, Fritz (1998): Berichte über (1) den PIK-Workshop "Absolute Armut und Katastrophenanfälligkeit" und (2) "Syndromare Katastrophenindikatoren" - Berichte über (1) den PIK-Workshop "Absolute Armut und Katastrophenanfälligkeit" und (2) "Syndromare Katastrophenindikatoren"
Krysanova, Valentina, Wechsung, Frank (1998): Regional application of the model SWIM in Brandenburg - Regional application of the model SWIM in Brandenburg
Badeck, F.-W., Cramer, W. (1998): Biodiversität und globale Vegetationsdynamik - Biodiversität und globale Vegetationsdynamik
Reußwig, Fritz, de Haan, G., Kuckartz, U. (1998): Die ökologische Bedeutung der Lebensstilforschung - Die ökologische Bedeutung der Lebensstilforschung, Umweltbewußtsein und Umweltbildung. Forschungsperspektiven im Kontext nachhaltiger Entwicklung
Sprinz, D., Rayner, S., Malone, E.L. (1998): Contributions to "Institutional frameworks for political action" - Contributions to "Institutional frameworks for political action", Human choice and climate change, 1: The Societal Fram
Krysanova, Valentina (1998): GRASS application for hydrological and water quality modelling - A contribution to "The survey on watershed modelling with GIS", Surface Water Hydrology Committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE Journal
Bauer, E. (1998): What can we gain from wave data assimilation? - What can we gain from wave data assimilation?
Moulin, S., Bondeau, A., Delécolle, R. (1998): Combining agricultural crop models and satellite observations: from field to regional scales - International Journal of Remote Sensing
Toth, F. (1998): Linking climate impact research and policy decision-making: results from the ICLIPS model - Linking climate impact research and policy decision-making: results from the ICLIPS model
Bronstert, A. (1998): Approaches for large scale hydrological modelling and a first application for the Gurgueia River - Approaches for large scale hydrological modelling and a first application for the Gurgueia River
Reußwig, Fritz (1998): Global environmental change research by syndromes - Global environmental change research by syndromes
Toth, F. (1998): Environmental targets in integrated assessments: tolerable windows approach - Environmental targets in integrated assessments: tolerable windows approach
Rahmstorf, Stefan, Boutron, C. (1998): The ocean in the climate system - From urban air pollution to extrasolar planets, ECRA
Reußwig, Fritz, Brand, K.W. (1998): Umweltsoziologie - Umweltsoziologie
Hofmann, P., Menzel, L., Lang, H., Konzelmann, T., Plüss, Ch. Schroff (1998): Bodenfeuchte-Untersuchungen im hochalpinen Raum - Bodenfeuchte-Untersuchungen im hochalpinen Raum
Heimbach, P., Bauer, E., Hasselmann, S., Hasselmann, K. (1998): Global operational remote sensing and modelling of ocean waves - Global operational remote sensing and modelling of ocean waves
Sprinz, D.F. (1998): Umwelt und Sicherheit: Die Rolle von Umweltschwellenwerten in der empirisch-quantitativen Modellierung - Umwelt und Sicherheit: Die Rolle von Umweltschwellenwerten in der empirisch-quantitativen Modellierung, PIK Reports ; 41
Becker, A., Lahmer, W., Krysanova, Valentina, Klöcking, B., Geller, W., Puncochar, P., Bornhöft, D., Boucek, J., Guhr, H., Mohaupt, V., Simon, M. (1998): Flächendifferenzierte Modellierung des Landschaftswasser- und - stoffhaushaltes im Elbegebiet - Flächendifferenzierte Modellierung des Landschaftswasser- und - stoffhaushaltes im Elbegebiet, Gewässerschutz im Einzugsgebiet der Elbe
Sprinz, D.F., Carius, A., Lietzmann, K. M., Imbusch, K. (1998): Die Modellierung umweltbedingter Konflikte (Modeling Environmental Conflict) - Die Modellierung umweltbedingter Konflikte (Modeling Environmental Conflict), Umwelt und Sicherheit. Herausforderungen für die internationale Politik (Environment and Security -
Wessolek, G., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Werner, P.C. (1998): A new climate scenario model and its application for regional water balance studies - A new climate scenario model and its application for regional water balance studies
Leimbach, Marian (1998): Klimawandel und Bevölkerungswachstum - Klimawandel und Bevölkerungswachstum
Toth, F. (1998): Climate change RTD policies in mitigation and adaptation - Climate change RTD policies in mitigation and adaptation
Wechsung, G., Wall, G.W., Wechsung, Frank, Adamsen, F.J. Kimball, Pinter Jr., P.J. (1998): Free air CO2 carbon dioxide enrichment - wheat experiments Maricopa 1993-1996 effects of elevated athmospheric CO2 concentrations and different water regimes on below ground growth of spring wheat - Free air CO2 carbon dioxide enrichment - wheat experiments Maricopa 1993-1996 effects of elevated athmospheric CO2 concentrations and different water regimes on below ground growth of spring wheat
Bellmann, K., Erhard, M., Flechsig, M., Grote, R., Suckow, F. (1998): SANA-Project results and PIK contributions - SANA-Project results and PIK contributions, PIK Reports ; 40