
Publikationen sind eines der wichtigsten Produkte des PIK. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie unsere neuesten Arbeiten und weitere Informationen
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2006): Avoiding dangerous climate change - International Symposium on climate change research challenges
Held, H., Schneider von Deimling, T. (2006): Transformation of possibility functions in a climate model of intermediate complexity - Advances in Soft Computing
Born, A. (2006): The effect of a hydraulic parameterisation of overflows on the ocean circulation - The effect of a hydraulic parameterisation of overflows on the ocean circulation
Hattermann, Fred Fokko, Kundzewicz, Z. W., Krysanova, Valentina, Wechsung, Frank, Kundzewicz, Z. W., Hattermann, F. F. (2006): Integrating modelling of global change impacts in the German Elbe river basin - the GLOWA -Elbe Project - Natural systems and global change
Meinshausen, M., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Cramer, W., Nakicenovic, N., Wigley, T., Yohe, G. (2006): What does a 2 degree celsius target mean for greenhouse gas concentrations? A brief analysis based on multi-gas emission pathways and several climate sensitivity uncertainty estimates - Avoiding dangerous climate change
Eisenack, K., Welsch, H., Kropp, Jürgen P. (2006): A qualitative dynamical modelling approach to capital accumulation in unregulated fisheries - Journal for Economic Dynamics and Control
Brovkin, V., Claussen, M., Driesschaert, E., Fichefet, T., Kicklighter, D., Loutre, M. F., Matthews, H. D., Ramankutty, N., Schaeffer, M., Sokolov, A. (2006): Biogeophysical effects of historical land cover changes simulated by six Earth system models of intermediate complexity - Climate Dynamics
Heistermann, M., Müller, C., Ronneberger, K. (2006): Land in sight? Achievements, deficits and potentials of continental to global scale land-use modeling - Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
Claussen, M., Fohlmeister, J., Ganopolski, A., Brovkin, V. (2006): Vegetation dynamics amplifies processional forcing - Geophysical Research Letters
Kneis, D., Biegel, M., Habeck, A., Knösche, R., Krause, S., Krysanova, Valentina, Pfützner, B., Bronstert, A., Itzerott, S. (2006): Modellergebnisse und Szenarioanalysen. Analyse der Bewirtschaftungsszenarios im Havelgebiet in Bezug auf den Wasser- und Stoffhaushalt - Bewirtschaftungsmöglichkeiten im Einzugsgebiet der Havel, Brandenburgische Umwelt Berichte , 18
Stock, Manfred, Walkenhorst, O. (2006): AMICA - adaptation and mitigation - an integrated climate policy approach (Literature Review) - AMICA - adaptation and mitigation - an integrated climate policy approach (Literature Review)
Montoya, M., Griesel, A., Levermann, Anders, Mignot, J., Hofmann, M., Rahmstorf, Stefan (2006): The Earth system model of intermediate complexity CLIMBER-3 alpha. Part I: Description and performance for present-day conditions - Climate Dynamics
Förster, H. (2006): Rationing & Bayesian expectations with application to the labour market - Rationing & Bayesian expectations with application to the labour market
Böhm, U., Kücken, M., Ahrens, W., Block, A., Hauffe, D., Keluer, K., Rockel, B., Will, A. (2006): CLM - the climate version of LM: Brief Description and long-term applications - cosmo newsletter
Held, H., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Bauer, Nicolas (2006): How to deal with risks of carbon sequestration within an international emission trading scheme - How to deal with risks of carbon sequestration within an international emission trading scheme, Proceedings of the 8th international conference on greenhouse gas control technologies
Post, J. (2006): Integrated process-based simulation of soil carbon dynamics in river basins under present, recent past and future environmental conditions - Integrated process-based simulation of soil carbon dynamics in river basins under present, recent past and future environmental conditions
den Elzen, M., Meinshausen, M., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Cramer, W., Nakicenovic, N., Wigley, T., Yohe, G. (2006): Multi-gas emission pathways for meeting the EU 2 degree celsius climate target - Avoiding dangerous climate change
Patt, A., Mitchell, R., Clark, W., Cash, D., Alcock, F. (2006): Trust, respect, patience, and sea-surface temperatures: Useful climate forecasting in Zimbabwe - Global environmental assessments. Information, institutions, and influence
Bronstert, A., Knight, D., Shamseldin, A.Y. (2006): Overview of current perspectives on climate change - River Basin Modelling for Flood Risk Mitigation, Chapter 3
Eisenack, K., Scheffran, J., Kropp, Jürgen P. (2006): Viability analysis of management frameworks for fisheries - Environmental Modeling and Assessment
Ansell, T. J., Jones, P. D., Allan, R. J., Lister, D., Parker, D. E., Brunet, M., Moberg, A., Jacobeit, J., Brohan, P., Rayner, N. A., Aguilar, E., Alexandersson, H., Barriendos, M., Brandsma, T., Cox, N. J., Della-Marta, P. M., Drebs, A., Founda, D., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Hickey, K., Jónsson, T., Luterbacher, J., Nordli, Ø., Oesterle, H., Petrakis, M., Philipp, A., Rodwell, M. J., Saladie, O., Sigro, J., Slonosky, V., Srnec, L., Swail, V., García-Suárez, A. M., Tuomenvirta, H., Wang, X., Wanner, H., Werner, P. C., Wheeler, D., Xoplaki, E. (2006): Daily mean sea level pressure reconstructions for the European-North Atlantic region for the period 1850-2003 - Journal of Climate
Schmidt, H., Oevermann, M., Muench, M., Klein, R. (2006): Flame front capturing/tracking schemes for compressible and incompressible reactive flow - Proceedings
Goelzer, H., Mignot, J., Levermann, Anders, Rahmstorf, Stefan (2006): Tropical versus high latitude freshwater influence on the Atlantic circulation - Climate Dynamics
Füssel, H.-M. (2006): Social welfare functions in global climate-economy models: methodological inconsistencies and their policy implications - Social welfare functions in global climate-economy models: methodological inconsistencies and their policy implications