
Publikationen sind eines der wichtigsten Produkte des PIK. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie unsere neuesten Arbeiten und weitere Informationen
Werg, J., Grothmann, T. (2008): Encouraging adaptation to climate change and weather extremes in private households: Good practice and lessons learned from psychological research - Encouraging adaptation to climate change and weather extremes in private households: Good practice and lessons learned from psychological research
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Luderer, Gunnar, Flachsland, C., Füssel, H.-M., Popp, Alexander, Knopf, B., Feulner, Georg, Held, H. (2008): A Global Contract on climate change. Policy paper prepared for the conference 'A Global Contract based on climate justice: The need for a new approach concerning international relations' - A Global Contract on climate change. Policy paper prepared for the conference 'A Global Contract based on climate justice: The need for a new approach concerning international relations'
Bauer, Nicolas (2008): Energy-economy modelling: Synthesis between climate and energy economics for improved policy advice - Energy-economy modelling: Synthesis between climate and energy economics for improved policy advice
Cattivelli, L., Rizzia, F., Badeck, F.-W., Mazzucotelli, E., Mastrangelo, A. M., Francia, E., Marè, C., Tondelli, A., Stanca, A. M. (2008): Drought tolerance improvement in crop plants: An integrated view from breeding to genomics - Field Crops Research
Orlowsky, B., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Werner, P. C. (2008): A resampling scheme for regional climate simulations and its performance compared to a dynamical RCM - Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Vohland, K., Lotze-Campen, Hermann (2008): Biodiversity and climate change - Rural 21
Rost, S., Gerten, Dieter, Heyder, U. (2008): Human alterations of the terrestrial water cycle through land management - Advances in Geosciences
Kropp, Jürgen P. (2008): Was kommt auf die Landwirtschaft zu? - Farm Forum
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Hare, B., Knopf, B., Luderer, Gunnar (2008): Climate policies will stimulate technology development : [Correspondence] - Nature
Metz, B., Tol, R., Reilly, J., van Vuuren, D., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Socolow, R., Hoffert, M. (2008): Are the IPCC scenarios 'unachievable'? : [News] - Nature
Lotze-Campen, Hermann (2008): The role of modelling tools in Integrated Sustainability Assessment (ISA) - International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Kirch, W. (2008): Disaster response - Encyclopedia of public health
Cramer, W., Poulter, B., Bondeau, A., Gumpenberger, M., Heyder, U., Langerwisch, Fanny, Rammig, A., Thonicke, Kirsten, Vohland, K. (2008): Impacts of deforestation and climate change on Amazon tropical forests: Revision of a basin-wide assessment - Impacts of deforestation and climate change on Amazon tropical forests: Revision of a basin-wide assessment
Süss, J., Klaus, C., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Werner, P. C. (2008): What makes ticks tick? Climate change, ticks and tick-borne diseases - Journal of Travel Medicine
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2007): Sustainability: a Nobel cause - Sustainability: a Nobel cause, RealClimate Blog - Climate science from climate scientists
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2007): G8 summit declaration - G8 summit declaration, RealClimate Blog - Climate science from climate scientists
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2007): The IPCC sea level numbers - The IPCC sea level numbers, RealClimate Blog - Climate science from climate scientists
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2007): Flieg, Adler, flieg! - Frankfurter Rundschau
Meyn, A., White, P. S., Buhk, C., Jentsch, A. (2007): Environmental drivers of large, infrequent wildfires: the emerging conceptual model - Progress in Physical Geography
Rahmstorf, Stefan, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2007): Der Klimawandel. Diagonose, Prognose, Therapie (Koreanische Ausgabe) - Der Klimawandel. Diagonose, Prognose, Therapie (Koreanische Ausgabe)
Khatib, I., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Haj-Daoud, A. (2007): East Mediterranean climate change trends in the last century - Arab Water World (AWW)
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2007): Alles nur Klimahysterie? - Solarbrief
Edenhofer, Ottmar (2007): Egal, was es kostet, es lohnt sich - Süddeutsche Zeitung
Arz, H. W., Lamy, F., Ganopolski, A., Nowaczyk, N., Pätzold, J. (2007): Dominant Northern Hemisphere climate control over millennial-scale glacial sea-level variability - Quaternary Science Reviews
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Lessmann, K., Beckenbach, F., Hampicke, U., Leipert, C., Meran, G., Minsch, J., Nutzinger, H. G., Pfriem, R., Weimann, J., Wirl, F., Witt, U. (2007): Vom Preis des Klimaschutzes und vom Wert der Erde - Soziale Nachhaltigkeit, Jahrbuch Ökologische Ökonomik ; 5
Becker, A., Körner, C., Brun, J.-J., Guisan, A., Tappeiner, U. (2007): Ecological and land use studies along elevational gradients - Mountain Research and Development
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Werner, P.C. (2007): Climate change in central Europe - Leibniz Perspectives
Zimmermann-Timm, H., Lózan, J., Graßl, H., Hupfer, P., Menzel, L., Schönwiese, C. (2007): Salinisation of inland waters - Global Change: Enough water for all?